Compilation of Warrior Prayers from Sherry Shriner's Facebook Page - Firstfruits Elect — LiveJournal
Let's all pray that their plans for this 'super storm' are brought down and destroyed...and the opposite affect is made.
Let's pray that the Orgone is amplified 100,000 fold in strength, that the atmosphere is warmed, and their plans of ice and massive power outages and suffering are instead turned to a cleansing rain.
Let's pray the forecasted freezing cold temperatures are voided and it becomes warm and reaches much unexpected, and higher temperatures.
Let's pray that all HAARP facilities malfunction and they can't figure out why...putting them all in derision...
Let's pray that peace replaces their planned chaos and destruction...
In Yahushua's name...let it be done.
Extensive List of Prayers from a Prayer and Orgone Warrior, Part 1:
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah,we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You reverse the effects of this massive winter storm that is bearing down on Modern Babylon. We ask that you move the ice storms to Fairbanks, Alaska HAARP Facility, and the HIPAS Facility.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You freeze all the antennas that are used by these evil faclities to freeze over and malfunction. We ask that the antennas from all the facilities in Alaska, Puerto Rico, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, China, all the facilities that used radio frequencies to ELF, and control the weather be turned against all the safe havens of the evil elite.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You counter the effects of the massive cyclone yazree. We ask that you cool the air around Austrailia and break down the storm that is upon Austrailia. We ask that You protect all of the Warriors and sheeple in Austrailia, keep them safe Yahuah, Hold them in Your Arms of protection and Love as this storm bears down on Austraila.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You increase all the electrical power of all of the US's substations, and keep the ice from shutting down all the power in the areas that storm may effect. We ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You raise the temperatures in the air to disallow the ice from building up on the power lines and power grids.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You crank up all the Aether Energy that has been strategically placed on Your Heavenly Planet Earth. Father, we ask you make Your Aether Energy change all the weather patterns of the massive storms throughout Earth, and dissolve them and weaken them so that no deaths or illnessmay take effect.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You make all the negative energy in the atmosphere become POE, and help cleanse the skies from all the impurities that the evil elite have placed, and reverse all the negative energy, and turned them against their devices that they have created.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that all the destruction that has been planned by the evil elite, come to fruition, but turned against them and their devices. We ask that all the evil fallen ones and demons be turned against all of satans minions and himself. We ask that you open up the abyss and the 4th dimension, and send Your Aether Energy into the uglies dimension, and cause them to burn with the power of Your right hand like a giant flame thrower, Father.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You grant Your Prayer/Orgone Warriors, the sheeple these prayers. We ask that You act upon these Prayers with the swiftness that only You Father can act on. We Love You Father Yahuah with all our hearts, Please Father Yahuah, Let it be done in the Name of Your Precious Son Yahushua, Amen.
Extensive List of Prayers from a Prayer and Orgone Warrior, Part 2:
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that you cause the snow to melt like global warming, and cause the snow to run off into all the underground military bases and alien bases.
Excerpt from
Let's all pray that their plans for this 'super storm' are brought down and destroyed...and the opposite affect is made.
Let's pray that the Orgone is amplified 100,000 fold in strength, that the atmosphere is warmed, and their plans of ice and massive power outages and suffering are instead turned to a cleansing rain.
Let's pray the forecasted freezing cold temperatures are voided and it becomes warm and reaches much unexpected, and higher temperatures.
Let's pray that all HAARP facilities malfunction and they can't figure out why...putting them all in derision...
Let's pray that peace replaces their planned chaos and destruction...
In Yahushua's name...let it be done.
Extensive List of Prayers from a Prayer and Orgone Warrior, Part 1:
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah,we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You reverse the effects of this massive winter storm that is bearing down on Modern Babylon. We ask that you move the ice storms to Fairbanks, Alaska HAARP Facility, and the HIPAS Facility.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You freeze all the antennas that are used by these evil faclities to freeze over and malfunction. We ask that the antennas from all the facilities in Alaska, Puerto Rico, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, China, all the facilities that used radio frequencies to ELF, and control the weather be turned against all the safe havens of the evil elite.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You counter the effects of the massive cyclone yazree. We ask that you cool the air around Austrailia and break down the storm that is upon Austrailia. We ask that You protect all of the Warriors and sheeple in Austrailia, keep them safe Yahuah, Hold them in Your Arms of protection and Love as this storm bears down on Austraila.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You increase all the electrical power of all of the US's substations, and keep the ice from shutting down all the power in the areas that storm may effect. We ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You raise the temperatures in the air to disallow the ice from building up on the power lines and power grids.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You crank up all the Aether Energy that has been strategically placed on Your Heavenly Planet Earth. Father, we ask you make Your Aether Energy change all the weather patterns of the massive storms throughout Earth, and dissolve them and weaken them so that no deaths or illnessmay take effect.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You make all the negative energy in the atmosphere become POE, and help cleanse the skies from all the impurities that the evil elite have placed, and reverse all the negative energy, and turned them against their devices that they have created.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that all the destruction that has been planned by the evil elite, come to fruition, but turned against them and their devices. We ask that all the evil fallen ones and demons be turned against all of satans minions and himself. We ask that you open up the abyss and the 4th dimension, and send Your Aether Energy into the uglies dimension, and cause them to burn with the power of Your right hand like a giant flame thrower, Father.
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that You grant Your Prayer/Orgone Warriors, the sheeple these prayers. We ask that You act upon these Prayers with the swiftness that only You Father can act on. We Love You Father Yahuah with all our hearts, Please Father Yahuah, Let it be done in the Name of Your Precious Son Yahushua, Amen.
Extensive List of Prayers from a Prayer and Orgone Warrior, Part 2:
Dear Heavenly Father Yahuah, we ask in the Name of Yahushua, that you cause the snow to melt like global warming, and cause the snow to run off into all the underground military bases and alien bases.
Excerpt from