The ancient being known as Lilith staged a global assassination attempt against me via thousands of witches and Satanic groups accomplish my death via a heart attack. In March of 2016 the ancient being known as Lillith staged a Global assassination attempt against me via thousands of witches and Satanic groups everywhere to chant my death and do rituals in what we call Black Magic Circles to accomplish my death via a heart attack. They were trying to take my soul out of my body through some kind of ancient witchcraft technique. The Most High intervened and Lillith was captured by an Archangel and detained in a lower heavenly realm. She has been held there since. Since her detainment the Most High has allowed me to have conversations with her about the past, present, and future. These are parts of that Conversation. |
Elon Musk...using satellites to come against me. Ashtar Command...use their attempt to yank my soul out of my body. Elon Musk and Bush...come back with ground troops. Bush had six satellites...pounding on me. Then...just one Chinese satellite, and there was a chanting circle going on. ELON MUSK, A REPTILE WITH THE BUSH REGIME, USED SATELLITES AGAINST ME FRIDAY NIGHT, BUT FATHER BLEW HIS SATELLITE OUT OF THE SKY
It’s constant effort, folks. It’s constant war. If we wanna stop the madness, we gotta stop the root source, and that’s the Reptiles. And they don’t like it. They’re not very appreciable. [laughs] You know, I’ve never even heard of Elon Musk. And so, hang on a second. Who is…uh, [reading chat room message] “prophet of Lilith in my chat room.” Yeah, she’s been kind of mad at me lately, so we’ll just kick out her little pawn. [laughs] It’s not real hard to aggravate Lilith. Where was I at? OK. [laughs] I get distracted when I look at the chat room. If you wanna join the chat room, you can do so at Blog Talk Radio. Oh, they’re all in here. “Temple of Gaia”? I mean, come on, you guys. These guys are mad. Haha. I’m not gonna…we’ve kind of been having a realm war lately, and so. [laughs] They’re making their presence known in here tonight. I see their little pawns. You can go to and join the chat room. I usually have a moderator in there, but she’s not around, so. Anyway, um, I get distracted, but that’s all right. Um, talk about Friday night and these weekend a little bit. Because the Lord has—the Father has made a declaration. And so, I wanted to alert them to what that is. I know Friday night—Elon Musk, you know, he’s actually a very rich billionaire. And sounds like a clone. Every time I hear the name Elon Musk, it sounds like a clone. But when you see the guy, it’s very clear he’s a Reptile. But at the time, I had no idea he was working with the Bush regime, which should have been a no-brainer. I just never thought about it. Because I don’t think about those guys that much. But they were using satellites to come up against me Friday night. And, oh, no, they were—yeah, that was Friday afternoon. And so, what they’ve been trying to do is—I don’t know if they’re trying to give me another heart attack, but they’re hitting straight at my heart with their beams, or if they’re trying to yank my soul out of my body. They’ve been doing both, you know. It’s kind of like, OK, which one are they doing now? But Father wasn’t gonna have it, so he blew his satellite out of the sky. THE ASHTAR COMMAND WAS HERE USING THE POWER OF THE MOON BASE TO ATTEMPT TO TAKE MY SOUL OUT OF MY BODY, BUT WE SANK THEIR SHIP AND DESTROYED THEIR SOUL TECHNOLOGY And later that night, Ashtar Command was here. And it’s a telltale sign, when they start bringing in the cold weather at night, that they’re moving in. So, I knew they were coming. I didn’t know who. I didn’t know it was gonna be the huge cigar-ship of Ashtar Command. But they positioned themselves with the moon. And it was kind of wild, because at 7 o’clock at night, the moon should be in the east. On Friday night, it was in the southwest. That’s because they we’re positioned at a angle across from my house. So, when I get out of the car, and it’s 6:30, 7 o’clock, and I see the moon there, I knew something was on, something was gonna happen. And what they were doing is somehow using the power of the moon base, the soul-catching technology, thousands of years old, that’s been on the moon base. It’s very ancient. People call it the soul catcher. Talked about it before on my show. But the Ashturds were gonna use their technology in conjunction with the power of the moon base technology to attempt to yank my soul out of my body. And so, when they try to do that, it really hurts. It’s really a lot of pain. [coughs] And so, I had to fight that. And when you hear me coughing, it’s because my heart has to—it activates my heart to keep pumping. I mean, that’s how bad it’s been getting. People send me cough drops in the mail all the time. It’s kind of funny. It’s actually just they’re either suffocating me so I can’t breathe, or my heart is doing an automatic reaction to keep pumping because it’s trying to stop. And so, the attacks have been getting a lot harder, and a lot more wilder, because they’re that more desperate. So, Friday night, you know, Father was here. He wasn’t going to let anything happen. And we managed to sink the cigar-ship and take out the soul catcher technology on the moon, which is something I’ve wanted to do for eons, and was never able to do. But when they opened themselves up to use that technology to directly attack me, it gave me access to be able to destroy that technology in self-defense. So I was very grateful for that. WHEN THEY ATTACK ME, IT OPENS UP ACCESS FOR SELF-DEFENSE, AND THEN I CAN ATTACK THE TECHNOLOGY, AND THE PEOPLE OPERATING THE TECHNOLOGY, BEING USED AGAINST ME People say, “Why do you go through so many attacks? You shouldn’t have to go through so many attacks.” Well, when they do attack me, it opens up access for self-defense. And when you get that self-defense option, you can attack the technology being used against you, and you can attack the people that are operating the technology against you. And so, it’s kind of like the rules of war. I guess you could say. Most people just don’t even understand it, but that’s all right. Most people aren’t in the level of warfare I’m in. And so, that technology has been destroyed. The Father said it was all melted. I thought we just destroyed the technology. He said we melted a huge—the whole base on the moon, the part of that base. And the last couple nights, the moon had not moved. It was like they couldn’t even move it, you know. And so, I knew that thing was being mechanically run, because they just kind of drive it across the sky where they want it. I don’t know what happened to the original moon. I don’t know if they just dug this one out and took it over, and it runs by mechanics now. But the moon up there now is a pure joke. It’s nothing but a starship, a spaceship. So that’s what we’re dealing with. And the Ashtar ship was funny, because I knew it had been sunk in the Atlantic. Now, none of them are killed, because, you know, they’re dimensional beings, and they can get out, and blah, blah. They had pods and stuff. They could get out. But we sunk the ship. And what was funny was somebody sends me this link, and they’re like, “And I got this pulse beam of light coming across our state.” And it was Connecticut. And it was seen in other states. So I thought that was pretty wild. That they were able to see. They didn’t know what they were seeing. They saw a pulse beam of light shoot across the state heading east. They saw the huge Ashtar Command space fleet ship of theirs, the big cigar, going into the Atlantic. And so, that was awesome. ELON MUSK AND BUSH CAME BACK WITH NON-HUMAN GROUND TROOPS CALLED TEMPORALS, AND AFTER THE LORD’S ANGELS OBLITERATED THEM, I BLEW UP THEIR OTHER TWO SATELLITES So I thought, OK, they’ve had their fun for the weekend, I’ll get some rest now. But then Saturday night rolled around. And Musk and Bush weren’t done with me yet. They were pissed off. I had blew up their satellite. And so, they decided to come back with ground troops. And here we go with the [Navy] Seal thing again, only these aren’t human Seals. These are some kind of invisible things. Tony Smith calls them temporals. And, you know, my dogs were alerting me they’re here. And I knew they were coming. And the angels bring the dogs to the door and tell you to put them in the house, you know something’s going on. And so, kind of used to the status quo on that. And they never even got to cross the perimeter here. The angels just fried them. I think they were over there for two days just trying to find—you know, when you kill a temporal, and they’re obliterated, how do you—what do you find to take back to the base, you know? They’re invisible. How do you find them, you know? Haha. I thought it was kind of funny. Dogs been barking for two days. But those all gone, and just for pissing me off, I blew up their other two satellites. And so, they lost all three of their satellites. Bush is out of business with satellites. And so—and DARPA is the one that uses those satellites. And so, I know that that’s huge in taking down the Reptile operation, let alone the child trafficking, because they use those satellites to track children, to track them down or whatever. I don’t know what they do, but I know it’s huge, because anything DARPA uses, DARPA is huge on child trafficking. And Bush owns DARPA. And so, anything Bush owns, DARPA’s using for evil purposes. And so, real glad to see those satellites down. Should make a huge dent in stopping some of the stuff they do. BUSH CONTINUED HIS ATTACK WITH SIX JAPANESE SATELLITES, ONE CHINESE SATELLITE, AND A DEATH-CHANTING CIRCLE – OVER THE WEEKEND WE BLEW UP TEN SATELLITES And then, last night, I was sleeping, and then I was woken up out of a dead sleep. Felt like my heart was being yanked out of my chest. I just could not breathe. I could not catch a breath. I asked Father what was going on, and He said Bush had six satellites arraigned around my region, around my house, pounding at me. How did he get satellites? He goes, “They’re Japanese.” Japanese satellites. So we’ve got those blown up. And then, not one hour later, it starts again, only it was different, a little bit different, the pounding wasn’t as hard on my chest. It was just one Chinese satellite, and there was a chanting circle going on. You know, one of those little death circles. “Let’s kill Sherry Shriner,” blah, blah, blah. [laughs] I don’t remember if I did anything to them. I could if I wanted to, because it’s self-defense. They’re chanting my death, I can defend myself. I typically don’t do anything about them, because they’re so stupid and useless. They really don’t affect anything. I think it’s just, you know, I don’t know. Maybe it gives them all a boost or something, I don’t know. It doesn’t do anything to me when they chant in circles. But I did blow up the satellite. So, over the weekend, we got ten satellites. And so, I thought it was really cool. FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, THE FORCES OF THE HEAVENLY PLANET, SHAZIRON, ARE TAKING OVER MY AREA AND GUARDING IT – A COUPLE BILLION MORE ALIEN BEINGS WILL BE LEAVING LUCIFER & LILITH Tonight, for the first time ever, the forces of Shaziron, heavenly planet, are taking over my area, guarding it. It’s epic. It’s the first time they’ve been introducing themselves, I guess. And so, I just told Dad, “Let them be known. Let them be feared,” you know. The forces of Shaziron is my security force. And if you don’t know what Shaziron is, you know, back in 2012, the Father gave redemption to 16 billion of the offspring of the fallen angels. They were the offspring of the offspring, over the years, you know. They weren’t the ones directly involved, those ones are already passed and gone. They were the children of the fallen—the angels that fell. And there’s always been huge wars in space, because there’s those who just want peace, like the Pleiadeans or the Nordics, except for the ones who betrayed their races and joined the Reptilian side, the evil side. But there’s always been the good and the evil. And so, now the good has been gone. The good is gone. They’ve left. And they left back in 2012. The Father took them back. 16 billion left and joined Father. And so, He put them all on their own planet. And they got together and they called it Shaziron after me. And so, I thought that that was really cool. And so, they’re coming. And they’re getting involved now with things, because things are just heating up so much, you know. And there’s going to be another uprising. There’s going to be another rebellion in space before it’s all said and done. There’s going to be a couple more billion that are going to leave Lilith, and Lucifer, and all those scumbags who torment them and torture their own. And these races are sick of it, you know. These other races get sick of it. They’re not evil to the core like Lilith is, or Lucifer is. And so, there’s a few billion more that are gonna be joining Shaziron sooner or later. I’ve even been talking to Father about giving them their own place. People don’t understand that, you know, heaven isn’t a top floor on top of the universe. It’s an alignment of planets. Our solar system was the old heaven before the fall, before the rebellion, before the war. And that war was over in a period of about a million years. All of the planets were named differently, but our solar system right now was the ancient heaven back in the day. Of course, all the planets were destroyed in judgment. But I’m not gonna get into that tonight. I’ve talked about that before. |
It's the ones who resist...those are the ones they single out, and they come after, and they attack. They go after your jobs, they go after your health, they put you on assassination kill lists. And the Father protects us...these pockets of resistance. GOD HATES BABYLON, BUT THERE ARE POCKETS OF PEOPLE, POCKETS OF RESISTANCE ALL OVER THE WORLD WHOM THE LORD WILL PROTECT
God hates Babylon. He hates the whores of Babylon, which are these megachurches, denominational religions. Everything about Babylon He hates. So, how dare we go around thinking, “Hey, yeah, we’re a country of God’s people.” [laughs] We’re not God’s people. There’s some of God’s people here. There’s a handful of us around. But I don’t think there’s a country on the planet that’s worshipping the Father. Truly just Him. In spirit and in truth. There’s pockets of people. There’s pockets of resistance. That’s more like what you would call them. Pockets of resistance. And these are the ones Satan and his henchmen are trying to kill off all the time. That’s why you’re warriors. Because you’re trying to survive! They don’t care about the Christians in the churches, they own them. They already have them under their control. It’s the ones who resist, become resisters. Pockets of resistance. Because they know the truth. They’ve woken up to all Satan’s lies, and charades, and games, and what he’s doing, and how he works, and how he operates through the churches in America today. And those are the ones they single out, and they come after, and they attack. And, you know, they go after your jobs, they go after your health, they put you on assassination kill lists. And the Father protects us. He protects these people, these pockets of resistance, these resisters everywhere. And they’re all over the world. It’s not just an American thing, it’s—happens everywhere. They bulldoze entire villages in Africa. They’ll send Soros. George Soros will fund criminals to go to into Christian villages and kill all the women and children. Then they’ll call it a Muslim attack or whatever. Which it usually is. But the deep-seated thing, it’s Satan’s war against believers. |
MAYOR: What the hell’s going on? |
My ministry is the Father’s ministry on Earth. You should be supporting this one. Because I’ll tell you the truth. And I take hell for it, too. Literally. I battle hell all the time. It’s not easy when you’re the number one on the White House death list. They don’t stop. I take poisons all the time. Assassination attempts constantly. So if you’re not involved, you’re not a supporter, then you need to be. 90 percent of the people that listen to this show don’t support it. I don’t know why. You’re supporting your Rush Limbaughs, and your Alex Jones, and your Benny Hinns, and your Joel Osteens. What do they do for you? They don’t know how to tell the truth. They give you bits and pieces of truth to lead you away from truth. My ministry is the Father’s ministry on Earth. You should be supporting this one. Because I’ll tell you the truth. And I take hell for it, too. Literally. I battle hell all the time.
It’s not easy when you’re the number one on the White House death list. They don’t stop. I take poisons all the time. Assassination attempts constantly. People wonder why I won’t meet with them. Why I won’t do public speaking. I don’t even wanna begin the hassles. I know the Lord will protect me. He can make me invisible. I don’t think that’s gonna work if I’m giving a conference [laughs] and I’m gonna be invisible half the time. That’s just not my thing. My thing’s working in the background as well. I have one picture on the Internet at Anything else is not me. I do not have any photos online. There’s other Sherry Shriners across the country. |
People wanna know why, after sending over 500 Navy Seals, 100 different Special Forces groups, specialized assassins, invisible assassins, poisoning, anything you could think of where they tried to kill me, why they can’t kill me. And it’s because I’m the daughter of Yahuah. And I have His protection. I wanna describe some things for you. And some of you are probably gonna think I’m the craziest thing on the planet, and that’s OK, I’m used to that. That’s why I prefer to stay anonymous, and hidden, and in the background. Just do my work. But I’m gonna shatter your illusions a little bit on how things really were back in the day. And how things are. And why they are the way they are. People wanna know why, after sending over 500 Navy Seals, 100 different Special Forces groups, specialized assassins, invisible assassins, poisoning, anything you could think of where they tried to kill me, why they can’t kill me. And it’s because I’m the daughter of Yahuah. And I have His protection.
Now what is—when you hear someone say they’re the daughter of Yahuah, you think, “Well, we’re all daughters and sons in Him. And that’s true. But this is literal. I’m talking in a literal sense. |
You can leave a legacy. That fact that something you did caused their deaths. Even when you're gone, they can't take back, can't stop what you did when you were on Earth...Even if the Father, for some reason, allowed them to kill me tomorrow, they can't take back anything I've done, anything I've accomplished in the last 20 years. THEIR WHOLE AGENDA IS TO GET YOU TO JOIN THEIR KINGDOM BY GETTING THE ANTICHRIST’S NAME, NUMBER, OR SYMBOL ON YOUR RIGHT HAND OR FOREHEAD SO THEY CAN OWN YOUR SOUL
So they don’t care if you accept him or not. All they have to do is start implementing their program on Earth. And if they can’t persuade you with charm, and money, and empty promises, they’ll kill you. They don’t care. That’s their whole agenda to begin with; to kill you. Because what’s all their charm lead to? “Join our kingdom. Get my—“ get his name, number, or symbol in or on your right hand or forehead. And this is gonna be worldwide. This isn’t just America. This is worldwide. Because when they do that, if they can get you to do that, they own your soul at that point. That’s why the Bible forbids it and warns against it, and the Lord had stood up watchmen and prophets over the years warning people, pounding the pavement. Because once you join their kingdom on Earth, Satan owns your soul. And if you don’t wanna join, they’ll kill you. They’ll just kill you. You’re gonna die either way. That’s why the Bible spends so much time talking about last-days prophecy and last-days events. That’s why Satan has spent thousands of years trying to control the churches and who leads them. And who are the ones that people are listening to and people are getting access to. Do you think for one second somebody who spoke the truth would ever get air time on TBN? Seriously? You don’t get the time. You don’t get the time, you get the blacklist. You become an underground radio talk show host. One who has to struggle to survive. One who has to live through a million different assassination attempts constantly because they try to kill you. You start to live my life for one day, you’d run. That’s how it’s been for me since I stood up. Since I was stood up. I NEED PEOPLE TO STAND UP AND HELP TEAR DOWN THE STRONGHOLDS OF SATAN – EVEN IF YOU DIE, YOU CAN LEAVE A LEGACY OF WHAT YOU DID TO CAUSE THEIR DEATHS It’s all coming to a head, folks. So, with what time we have, I’d just as soon stay doing what I’ve been doing, and that’s tearing down the strongholds of Satan and all of his forces. There’s 74 occupied alien star formations above our heads at night. There’s over 500 DUMBS and DUABs below the earth. There’s over millions of crossbred hybrid alien human beings on our earth. They’re soul-scalping and replacing humans everywhere. The war is on. It’s not coming, it’s already on. It’s been on. I need people to stand up and help with what time we have left. At least, if you’re dead or you’re gone, you can leave a legacy. That fact that something you did caused their deaths. Even when you’re gone, they can’t take back, can’t stop what you did when you were on Earth. That’s why I laugh about it, because even if the Father, for some reason, allowed them to kill me tomorrow, they can’t take back anything I’ve done, anything I’ve accomplished in the last 20 years. All the millions of them I’ve killed, and responsible for their deaths, they can’t take back any of it. The millions that were redeemed from Lilith, Lilith’s offspring and the crossbred offspring in space that were redeemed and went back to the Father, they can’t take any of them back. They can’t undo anything I’ve done. And they can’t undo anything you do while you’re on Earth either. So get busy. Leave a legacy for yourself here on Earth. |
They attack you with ELF weapons, their assassinations. And the thing is, you're never gonna realize how much the Lord protects you until you step out on the front line. And you get to have as many laughs as I've had. But you also take your hits. And I've taken a lot of hits, folks. I've taken a lot of hits. I just get up. I just get back up, you know. You learn how to fight back. YOU’RE NEVER GOING TO REALIZE HOW MUCH THE LORD PROTECTS YOU UNTIL YOU STEP OUT ON THE FRONT LINE – YOU LEARN HOW TO FIGHT BACK
You know, folks, I need your help. It’s time to stand up and be a Warrior instead of singing about being one. Do something effective for the Lord. Some people just never have. They’ve been listening to this show for 10, 8 years. I hear from people, “Oh, I’ve been a long-time listener of your show.” You know, time to step up, folks. I know a lot of people don’t want to contact me. The Lord just keeps them away and keeps them busy. Because it keeps them a little, uh, less under the radar, so they’re not always attacked by the government. Yeah, they can be quite the challenge. Not really a challenge. More of an annoyance. If they know who you are, they’re not gonna leave you alone. They attack you all the time. And people know this. You know, they attack you with ELF weapons, their assassinations. And the thing is, you’re never gonna realize how much the Lord protects you until you step out on the front line. And you get to have as many laughs as I’ve had. But you also take your hits. And I’ve taken a lot of hits, folks. I’ve taken a lot of hits. I just get up. I just get back up, you know. You learn how to fight back. You learn how to put a shield around yourself that they can’t penetrate. You learn how to put a shield over your home, over your property, that they can’t penetrate. You start asking the Lord—you learn spiritual warfare so that you can get out there and get His will done. |
When I was asking my sources about their attempted attack here the other day on my house, I was told it wasn't just me they're coming after. And I've known this. I can see it in the Codes. They're coming after all the Lord's warriors. I Was Told It Wasn't Just Me They're Coming After - I Can See in the Codes That They're Coming After All the Lord's Warriors, but, First, They're After the Elect
You know, when I was asking my sources about their attempted attack here the other day on my house, I was told it wasn't just me they're coming after. And I've known this. I can see it in the Codes. They're coming after all the Lord's warriors. Now why are they coming after the Lord's warriors? Why don't they just go after the sheep in all the megachurches? Because they're not very threatening to Satan's agenda. They're in his churches. He has control of them. He has control of the information they learn or think they know. They don't have the real truths and they're not a threat to him. They hate the Elect. Because the Elect aren't being deceived by any of the lies and the doctrinal apostasies going on in the churches today. And that's how they know. When you're part of the Elect, you're part of the Bride. Because they know the Elect aren't deceived by it. Now, they don't like the Bride either. Don't get me wrong. They're gonna round them up. Churches are waiting for a rapture, and what they're gonna get is a ride to a FEMA camp by a Chinese U.N. truck. And that's the truth. And the Lord starts with judgment in His house first. He's gonna let the Christians be rounded up. The Christians in this country will be rounded up. And they will be persecuted, and they will be tortured, and they will be killed. And the Lord allows it because it's His judgment on them. But first they're after the Elect. And the Elect is a small group. It's 144,000. A lot of them have already left. There's several thousand left on the earth. And those are the ones they're after. They See You from Space with Satellites, and Know What You Have in Your Fridge or Under Your Bed, but Need Ground Surveillance to Tell Who's Who in a House with Several People I know a lot of people get harassed. A lot of you see the helicopters. A lot of you have the same stories. I could go on and on about surveillance and being attacked by their weapons. Because they have lists. They wanna know where you're at. You know, they kind of go down their list and they jump from area to area to go see who so-and-so--what they're doing. They can see you from space. They can point their satellites at your house. And they could tell you what's in your fridge. They could tell you what's under your bed. But as far as humans, they can tell you how many are in the house, but they don't know exactly which one is who. So that's why they still use ground intel, instead of just leaving everything to satellites. They use ground surveillance. |
They kept sending me all these disrupt and destroy the orgone war...One...jumped in a human body...on the Earth here. And from the time she was 16, had been looking for me. Because she was sent with orders to destroy the orgone war...She found me two years ago...Over ten years trying to find me...I don't think I'm that hard to find. I'm pretty out there, I thought. But that's what happens when you're on the blacklist. A Hybrid Came to Earth to Find Me, Because She Was Sent with Orders to Destroy the Orgone War
And I like to have fun. You know, the government's always trying to people close to me, what you would call an inside--which is they're pretty much close. I mean, I only let so many people near me. And I have to be that way because of all the assassination attacks. They never stop. But a lot of times I'll toy with the people they send. Send to me to try to befriend me and get close to me, just to have some fun. [laughs] See who it is sent them, who they're working for, what their agenda is. I know, a couple years ago, they were on this binge where they kept sending me all these hybrids. And these hybrids were sent to disrupt and destroy the orgone war. And these kids had been groomed--well, they'd been groomed from the time they were kids. One came into Earth, literally--if you've seen that, uh, that movie series, um, Resident Evil--literally came to Earth like the redhead that plays that movie. She jumped into a human's body. She was an alien from Lyra, I think it is, or one of those star systems. And jumped in a human body, into Earth, on the Earth here. And from the time she was 16, had been looking for me. Because she was sent with orders to destroy the orgone war. And so, this is how deep and how far the rabbit hole can go. You know, it took her a long time. She found me two years ago. And by then, she was, like, 26-, 28-years-old. It'd been ten years. Over ten years trying to find me. I don't think I'm that hard to find. I'm pretty out there, I thought. But that's what happens when you're on the blacklist. |
A lot of people get affected by the very fact that, you know, some of them, their main job was to destroy me. Coming up with plans and ways to assassinate me off the earth and they couldn't do it. They couldn't do it. They couldn't kill me. That's been a huge testament to a lot of these people of the power of God. A Huge Testament to the Power of God, to the People Who's Main Job Was to Kill Me, Is That They Couldn't Do It
And a lot of people get affected by the very fact that, you know, some of them, their main job was to destroy me. Coming up with plans and ways to assassinate me off the earth and they couldn't do it. They couldn't do it. They couldn't kill me. And that's been a huge te--that's been a huge testament to a lot of these people of the power of God. So if Satan wants you to think he's God, think again. Because Satan is just a created being. He's just a created being. He doesn't--he doesn't create anything. He recreates. He recreates something God has already created. And the people that are in the close [audio unclear] in the know circles, they know he's not God. They just didn't want to worship the one true God because it was always one of their duties to blaspheme the true God daily. I mean, it's required of all Satanists to blaspheme the Lord daily. And people say, "Well, how can they get away with that? The Bible says the Holy Spirit would strike them dead." No, the Holy Spirit--blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is only referring to those who were once filled with the Holy Spirit. And then denied, and rejected, and renounced, and rebuked the Holy Spirit and walked away. You know, then the Holy Spirit would strike them dead. These people have--were never once filled with the Lord's Spirit and one of His. They play like they are, on TV. You have the megachurch facades. The Joel Osteens and all of them who are coven-sanctioned members of satanic groups, and then, on Sundays, go hold megachurch services. Yeah, check the roster of the Houston satanic groups. Joel Osteen's one of them. And they all are. You have to be a registered satanic member to lead a megachurch. That's practically in the TBN rules. Trinity Broadcasting Network is The Blasphemy Network, folks. |
I've talked about the UFO invasion, the Annunaki invasion. These are real. And they're coming. They're coming. I mean, just because I was able to block one here in my own area, of Bigfoots, because they were gonna have an army come here and try to take me out because their [Navy] Seals never could do it. Keep Your Eyes on the Skies - I'm Here to Warn Mankind About the Alien Invasions That Are Coming on Earth
I don't know what else He wants me to reveal right now. Just to watch--keep your eyes on the skies, folks. Keep your eyes on the skies. These things are coming to happen that I've talked about for a decade. I've talked about the UFO invasion, the Annunaki invasion. These are real. And they're coming. They're coming. I mean, just because I was able to block one here in my own area, of Bigfoots, because they were gonna have an army come here and try to take me out because their [Navy] Seals never could do it. They used to send all these Navy Seals and everything else here. It was funny. Uh, yeah. Where's all your Navy Seals? At least 300, huh? And all your Special Ops military, you know. Dead, gone, kidnapped, whatever. They're gone. But you won't hear about this in the news. Might hear it on my radio show, but not gonna hear it in the news. But they're coming on Earth. You know, the Lord's not gonna protect the whole earth from these. He protects me because I'm His messenger, and then when I'm gone, these things are gonna happen--or lifted, or shut up, or whatever. But, uh, these things are coming. And that's why I'm here. To warn mankind. There are armies of Bigfoots that will be coming on the earth. The Locusts that will be coming on the earth. Annunakis, just a huge, like I said, nation of various races. And they're coming. And they're Giants. And they're humanoids, but, uh, for the most part, like when you're dealing with the Bears, they're Bears. Grizzlies. Ghoulish. Grizzly. |
April 16...their big bonfire sacrifice, I guess you could call it, was supposed to be me. And so, thousands of them loaded up in their UFO come watch the show...they had sent an entire--about 200 [Navy] Seals here...planning to take me out...What happened was they were all captured...there has been about 16,000 NATO international forces, celebrities, Seals, government, politicians, you name it, anyone who's anyone, who was here to watch the show that never happened, has now been captured. April Is a Heavy Satanic Sacrificial Month, and This Year Their Big Sacrifice Was Supposed to Be Me - 16,000 of Satan's People Captured
And hello, everybody. You're live. It's Monday night, April 29. And what an interesting week. It's been an interesting past two weeks. A lot of things I wanna talk about tonight. And, I don't even know where to start. As you all know, April is a really busy, heavy satanic sacrificial month. And there's nothing they like better than to get together and have a huge party and ritual where they have sacrifices on these satanic holy nights. And a lot of times during these satanic festivals, I guess you could call them, celebrities like to get together with politicians, they all co-mingle groups, they all get together and, perform sacrifices together and stuff. And so, this year, last--April 16--last Tuesday, their big bonfire sacrifice, I guess you could call it, was supposed to be me. And so, thousands of them loaded up in their UFO ships--and they've had these for a long time, they travel in them all the time--to come watch the show. And that's a night they had sent an entire--about 200 [Navy] Seals here. And, planning to take me out. The Monday night and a Tuesday night. And so, uh--it went both nights in a row. And so, anyway, what happened was they were all captured. So, we're looking at about...since last Tuesday--'cause this has been nonstop; it has just been nonstop--there has been about 16,000 NATO international forces, celebrities, Seals, government, politicians, you name it, anyone who's anyone, who was here to watch the show that never happened, has now been captured. And so, thats why I said, last week--I made a blunt reference, "Doesn't anyone notice the entire top tier structure of Satan's pyramid is missing?" And they've been keeping people busy. They're pulling up old photos, old news stories. Keeping everybody distracted with the Boston bombing, which I knew was smoke and mirrors from the get-go to hide what they had planned that night. That was the 15th, the night of my show. The 16th was Tuesday night. That Tuesday night was retaliation for what happened Monday night during my show. They got captured, too. I mean, it's just been going on, and on, and on, and on, and on. And not only that. Satan has waged war against the Lord's armies. And since that time, he's lost about 17 billion of his forces. I can't even imagine the number when the Lord told me. I stopped asking Him, for a while, after 6 billion. But it's all the way up past 17 billion. And they've also been captured. And, you know, the Lord doesn't do things the way we--people--we do things. He has ways of capturing vast amount of forces in seconds that man can't even fathom. And so, um, [laughs softly] uh...those will never be back. You know, the Lord has control of those now. We have them. |
I've taken my hits. I've been poisoned more times than I can count. I've been sick more times than I can count because of the attacks I've had to endure, the assassination attempts that were thwarted...But [the Lord's] having so much fun watching us destroy Satan and his forces, you know, I don't think He's in any big rush to take us off [the earth]. Sananda Knows Who I Am, My Anointing, My Assignments - They Don't Know How to Handle the Orgone Network
And so, this is gonna come to a head because Sananda wants to come to power. He knows who I am. He knows I'm here. He knows where I'm at. He knows my anointing. He knows my name. He knows my assignments. And I think what they're waiting is for the Lord to take us home before they begin their assault on mankind. They know different levels of prophecy. And so, they know their jobs. What they're gonna be able to do. And they've been learning ours. Because they have not been able to kill me. They have tried everything in their abilities the past decade and the Lord has not allowed them to kill me. Now, I've taken my hits. I've been poisoned more times than I can count. I've been sick more times than I can count because of the attacks I've had to endure, the assassination attempts that were thwarted. And, just doesn't end, folks. And they're waiting now. They're waiting. Either they're gonna come back with their last bruha attempt to take me off this earth, or they're gonna sit and wait until the Lord decides it's time for Him to take me off. But He's having so much fun watching us destroy Satan and his forces, you know, I don't think He's in any big rush to take us off. We're quite successful. People don't realize how successful we've been. If you can look at all the delays since 2009, 2008. Delays, delays [laughs], delays. They don't know how to handle the orgone network. We're all so protected. |
Their assassination attempts against me have failed many, many times. Every plan they've set in motion, every assassin they've sent here, their special forces teams they've sent here, nothing has worked. And their poisons have no affect against me. So if orgone didn't work, why bother with all that? I mean, seriously. They Pretend Orgone Doesn't Affect Them, but It Does - We Have Their Full Attention Because It's Hurting Them
You know, Obama was in Ohio last week. He flew into the Akron-Canton Airport. Then he went on to Kent State University where they had a rally or something there for him. [laughs] I knew there was something up with that. I'm not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to deciphering what the hidden messages are in the things that they do. And, apparently, the whole message--because I'm not too far from Akron-Canton Airport. And also, Kent State's my alma mater. It's where I graduated from college. And he has every right to go there. I really don't care. It isn't like I jumped in my car and raced down the highway to see him. But he was trying to give a message out. And he wants me to think that they're not afraid to come here. He wants to show me that my orgone doesn't affect him and that they're stronger than our orgone. And so, that's what the whole thing was about, basically. You know, "We're not afraid of you. We'll come to Ohio. Your orgone doesn't affect us." Well, you know what? If orgone doesn't affect them, then it would just be a waste of time and money for everyone involved. And the government could care less about it. But I can tell you we have their full attention, folks. We have their full attention because it works and it's hurting them. You know, their assassination attempts against me have failed many, many times. Every plan they've set in motion, every assassin they've sent here, their special forces teams they've sent here, nothing has worked. And their poisons have no affect against me. So if orgone didn't work, why bother with all that? I mean, seriously. Why spend your time and thousands of dollars--like they really care. Because they just taxed all our money to them is nothing. They don't think twice about it. But they wouldn't spend so much energy and time trying to convince me that orgone doesn't work if it didn't work. [laughs] You know, Rahm Emanuel, Leon Panetta, Netanyahu and Putin, they're all looking for ways to ban my orgone. Not orgone in general, because 99 percent of it being made on the Internet is outright junk, it's garbage. But they wanna ban MY orgone. Because my orgone is from The Most High. And it works at destroying the strongholds and bases of the wicked. And that's why they wanna destroy it. |
Plan B is to step up character assassinations on me. To just discredit me with smear campaigns. And I see it coming...There's just so many attacks coming from every angle. Every single angle I could see, I could even imagine. It's just coming. This is how desperate they are. This is how effective we've been. It's a testament to how effective we are. Because we're not a huge group. Orgone Warriors are probably the minority of anything. Taking Away Satan's Successes and Turning Them into Failures with Orgone
So what we've been doing with the orgone war is tilting the balance back, keeping it balanced. Taking away his successes and turning them into failures. And keeping the Earth at a balance. So he gets furious. He's furious. And they're calling this conference in Copenhagen, with all their top Lizard scientists that do understand what's going on, because the humans just don't get it. And they're bringing in, you know, the best of the best. Meeting of the minds. International countries throwing fits. "What is this orgone? We wanna stop it. We have to stop it. We have to get rid of it." And so, they're meeting to figure out ways to discredit it. To stop it. To get rid of it. To block it. One of the things is not only to familiarize themselves with exactly what it is and everything it's done, but to figure out ways to block it and stop it. They're Stepping Up the Credibility Attacks Against Sherry Shriner and Her Orgone You know, they have a huge--that's huge Plan A. Plan B is to attack my credibility. But it's not all orgone that's pissing them off. It's my orgone. Sherry Shriner's orgone. Our orgone. The orgone the Lord gave us. And so, they're starting character assassinations. You know, they started that years ago. They started, you know, coming against my character years ago. Because they're desperate. They don't have anything else. I'm a person of integrity. A person of upstanding character. And they know this. And so, they pump lies about me. You know, I've been dealing with these lies for years. People put up videos, put up websites, talking about how I'm a Nazi, how I'm a lesbian, how I'm a witch, how I'm a alien. You know, anything they can come up with. You know, anything. I'm a born-again child of the Most High. I'm also a grandma. I've been married for 20 years. I have 4 kids. I've never been with a woman in my life. And they come up with these lesbian rumors constantly. But the one they're comin' out with next is that I'm a white supremacist. And I'm thinking, "How is that gonna fly?" Some of my very best friends are of color. I don't care what color skin a person has. I have friends all over the world. Different nationalities. Different colors of skin. I don't care what color a person's color is. It's their heart that attracts me to them. Not their race. But this is what they're planning to do. And, you know, the first thing I could think of, "Are they really serious?" [laughs] Are they really serious? Because it's not gonna fly. But they don't care if it flies. Because when you throw out lies against somebody, somebody's gonna believe it. People will believe it regardless, whether they know you or not. I mean, look at that gorilla dude on YouTube. He put out some video on me and David Icke bein' Masons. Just because my last name is Shriner doesn't make me a Mason. Yeah, a lot of Shriners are Masons, but the Shriner organization is a Muslim organization. They worship Allah. And so, people think because my last name is Shriner that I'm a Mason. That's like saying because a person's last name is Jackson they're a dancer and singer. So it's ludicrous, but they use anything they can. And so, Plan B is to step up character assassinations on me. To just discredit me with smear campaigns. And I see it coming. [Sherry Shriner] I've seen--you know, I was sitting here at my desk earlier this week, and I'm thinkin', "It's just coming in on all sides. The box I live in is getting real small. Because there's just so many attacks coming from every angle. Every single angle I could see, I could even imagine. It's just coming. This is how desperate they are. This is how effective we've been. It's a testament to how effective we are. Because we're not a huge group. Orgone Warriors are probably the minority of anything. I mean, look at our number compared to, you know, a Ron Paul campaign, or a Joel Osteen church, or TBN. You know, we don't have those numbers. We're very few, but look how powerful we are, that they call an international conference together of the best of the best, to put their minds together to figure out how to stop us. That goes to say something. You know? |
At one point I had enough poison in me to kill 10 men. The Lord had me go on a 3-day detox with eating just oatmeal. Hugo Chavez, Jesse Ventura, and Roseanne Barr on the Hit-list for Satanic Sacrifice
Gonna give a show-out tonight to Hugo Chavez, Jesse Ventura, and Roseanne Barr because these three people are on the hitlist for death. And these Satan freaks, they want a high-talent sacrifice. They're looking to kill someone who's, number one, on their nerves, or, number two, for whatever reason, they're on their target list. And so, they want to kill one of these three people. And there's others on their target list, but these three were brought to my attention. I don't know why Roseanne Barr. And so--she lives out in Hawaii. She had some kind of reality show or something about goats or sheep or somethin'. [Transcriber note: Though an admitted Kabbalist and feminist, she, too, is unafraid to call politicians and other individuals out on their corrupt activities and deceptions. Roseanne World October 2006 Archives] And Jesse Ventura, who's hangin' tough, not takin' their bribes, their bailout--they're tryin' to buy him off. And he's refused it. [Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura] [Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (videos)] And Hugo Chavez simply because he stands up against the bullies of the American New World Order. The European New World Order. And he's actually doing what he can--he does things to help the American people. And that's something that the rest of the world doesn't differentiate with. You know, they assume all Americans are as evil as the government. And, folks, there's nobody as evil as our government. It doesn't get much [more] evil. The people, the majority here are not like the Satanists that run our government. And Hugo Chavez knows that. [Hugo Chavez Interview] And it's probably the hand of the Lord, Himself, that has kept him alive the last several years. Numerous assassination attempts against him. And I've pretty much been through the same things, and so I can relate to what he's going through. They've used everybody near him to try to kill him. And nothing's worked. I can relate to all the poisoning attempts. He's had many, many, many poisoning attempts. And I've gone through the same things. You'll be out on the road, on a mission, and you'll eat at a restaurant, and they try to poison your food. And it doesn't work. Or they slip poisons in your sugar. If you drink a lot of coffee. I used to be a real coffee hound. And I used to see sugar in the Codes a lot, and I couldn't figure out why I was seeing sugar in the Codes. Maybe they were doing something to the sugar. More specifically, maybe they were doing something to my sugar. Because at one point I had enough poison in me to kill 10 men. The Lord had me go on a 3-day detox with eating just oatmeal. So it's constant, and it never stops. It never stops. |
My latest assassination attempt where they were trying to kill me with chemicals. Some kind of chemical attack. And the worse they got was pneumonia. I had pneumonia for about 2 weeks or whatever. But they had to literally come in themselves with trucks and spray these chemicals around my property and stuff because they couldn't spray it overhead. Because the area has too much orgone in it. Chemtrails don't stick. You Know You Have Enough Orgone in an Area if the Chemtrails Disappear in 5 Seconds
You know, I told you in November my latest assassination attempt where they were trying to kill me with chemicals. Some kind of chemical attack. And the worse they got was pneumonia. I had pneumonia for about 2 weeks or whatever. But they had to literally come in themselves with trucks and spray these chemicals around my property and stuff because they couldn't spray it overhead. Because the area has too much orgone in it. Chemtrails don't stick. And so, that is true protection, folks, is to get your areas completely saturated so that when you watch the chemtrail planes come in and start to spray, their trails start to disappear in 5 seconds. They don't even stick. They just start disappearing. And if they're taking longer than 5 seconds, then you need to get more orgone out there. It's a good way to gauge if you've got enough orgone in your area or not. A better way to gauge is the planes stop coming altogether. [laughs] They just stop comin' 'cause they're wasting their chemicals, they're wasting their time. You know, they hit these orgoned areas and it just turns to water. I don't know what it does. They don't even bother anymore. And so, if you watch chemtrail planes start laying chemtrails and they stick in your area, that means you don't have any orgone in it at all and you need to get some in your area. If you watch and it's not disappeared in 5 seconds, then you know what you need to work on, you know what needs work. And if it's keeping chemtrails out of your area, it's gonna keep the zombies out of your area. They don't like it. |
My first assassination attempt of the year...was dealing with a group of warlocks working together, trying to give me some kind of long-distance voodoo heart attack-type thing. And I can remember just being in so much pain I thought I was a goner. I thought that was it. I thought that was it. I'm gone, I'm goin' home. And so, bounced back from that one. And we retaliated with going up against one of their major Giant bases, strongholds, in Lima, Ohio. My First Assassination Attempt of 2011 Was a Psychic Attack by a Group of Warlocks
It was in March, my first assassination attempt of the year. [laughs] They waited till March while I made it three months into the year. And I would find out later that it was dealing with a group of warlocks working together, trying to give me some kind of long-distance voodoo heart attack-type thing. And I can remember just being in so much pain I thought I was a goner. I thought that was it. I thought that was it. I'm gone, I'm goin' home. And so, bounced back from that one. And we retaliated with going up against one of their major Giant bases, strongholds, in Lima, Ohio. And so, for the month of March and April, er, uh, the month of April and May we went on separate missions to Lima, Ohio and just bombarded everywhere the Lord led us to go to take out that--there was a huge, ancient, archaic base underneath Lima and also going over into under Miami, Ohio. And so, we were able to take that out shortly after getting a death-threat phone call. And at the time I thought it was Maitreya. May have been. Could've been Satan, himself. I just remember at 2:30 in the morning answering the phone. And I knew something was up. Nobody calls me at 2:30. Nobody calls me. Nobody has my phone number. So how did they get my phone number? And so, interesting that it was silence for a long time. I could hear a hiss, kind of a raspiness to it. And then you hear a whisper saying, "You're dead." And, you know, at the time [laughs]--I'm not shocked about getting a phone call death threat. What I'm shocked about is my lack of response to it. I could've come up with something better. And I just said, "Oh, whatever," and I hung up the phone. [laughs] I knew who I was talking to at that instant when I answered the phone and there was no hello, when, you know, somebody saying, you know, answering the line right away. I knew I was speaking to a Lizard on the phone. And so, I knew what, basically, what they were gonna say. But you would've thought in all that time I was waiting I could've come up with a better response. But it's not like I really wanna talk with Satan, himself, on the phone anyway. So it was kind of interesting. And that kind of led to a battle, all summer long, it feels like, to the rest of the year, with the other side. So, obvious that so much of them listen to this show. |
They've been coming at us for years. The one thing they don't want to do is talk publicly about it because it will give us credibility. And so, what they've been quietly trying to do for the last 6 years, maybe 7, is assassinate me. I've gone through eons of that. I've taken about every hit you can think of. But the Lord's not gonna let them murder me...It's not in His plans, much to their demise. The Orgone Warriors Are Demolishing Them, and Assassination Attempts Against Sherry Have Failed
And hello, everybody. You're live. It's Monday Night with Sherry Shriner. December 12. Slowly inching towards the end of the year. You know, they're crashing all over the place. I'm hearing from everybody around the world watching meteors fall from the skies. Oh, it's funny. And some say, "Oh, I saw a falling star." Really? "Yeah, it had a green to it." I don't think falling stars have green. [laughs] Shades of green light when they crash. They're crashing everywhere. I can see it in the Codes. I don't even have to go outside and look at the skies. We're destroying them. We're demolishing 'em. And another reason for their rise of hatred towards us from them and wanting to eliminate the Orgone Warriors. And I've told you from--you know, they've been coming at us for years. The one thing they don't want to do is talk publicly about it because it will give us credibility. And so, what they've been quietly trying to do for the last 6 years, maybe 7, is assassinate me. I've gone through eons of that. I've taken about every hit you can think of. But the Lord's not gonna let them murder me. Wasn't going to then, isn't going to now. It's not in His plans, much to their demise. [laughs] And so, we just keep going, you know, folks. I'm not afraid of them. I've got work to do here. I'm getting my work done. I'm not cowering in fear. I'm not hiding. I'm not putting anything else before Him. He is my main focus, my main priority. And I'm going to accomplish what I've been sent here to do. |
They never teach you real spiritual warfare. Most people today in the Christian community are no threat to Satan. That's why they don't understand us. That's why they have no understanding of my gazillion death threats and assassination attempts over the last 10 years, and the fact that I'm still alive today...One thing Satan hates the most is a praying believer. The One Thing Satan Hates the Most is a Praying Believer
They never teach you real spiritual warfare. Most people today in the Christian community are no threat to Satan. That's why they don't understand us. That's why they have no understanding of my gazillion death threats and assassination attempts over the last 10 years, and the fact that I'm still alive today. There's some Satan really hates. And there's some that he just--don't bother him, he's indifferent to them. And that's pretty much almost the majority of the Christian community today. They're indifferent to him. He doesn't care about 'em. They don't bother him. They're no threat to him. But the one thing he hates, that we all have in common, even if I am at huge such odds with these other brethren, Satan hates praying people. He hates people who pray. And so, that's why he wants to wipe out every Christian off the earth, whether they like each other or not, or what the backstabbing status quo is at the time. That's why I ignore them pretty much. I won't even get involved with the dramas. Their hateful e-mails. I don't get involved with that drama. Because when it comes down to it, the one thing that Satan hates the most is a praying believer. People who pray. That's why he wants to destroy every Christian off the planet. Because they pray. |
Now there's some kind of open contract going out. A reward for anybody who kills me. I don't know who's putting it up. But they're so desperate and so flabbergasted that they can't get it done, so now they'll hire somebody who thinks they can. And so, interesting...shows how effective we've been against them. More Assassination Attempts Against Sherry to Try to Stop Orgone War
I'm getting tired of seeing Lima [Ohio] in the Codes. I'm hoping to see something else pop up. They're still angry about Lima. They want retaliation for Lima. And since Lima I've gone through several assassination warnings. Still on warning. In fact, this one beats them all. This one is now that there is a contract out on me for anybody or anything that can kill me because they can't. [laughs] So now there's some kind of open contract going out. A reward for anybody who kills me. I don't know who's putting it up. But they're so desperate and so flabbergasted that they can't get it done, so now they'll hire somebody who thinks they can. And so, interesting. They just want it stopped. And shows how effective we've been against them. I've been saying that all along. And those of you who have faith, and can seek the Lord and hear Him, know for yourselves how effective we've been against all the dark forces that surround this earth. And there's many. It's a zoo, folks. It's a literal zoo. Many different alien nations, and factions, and races coming in. |
I seen this in the Bible Codes yesterday..."Obama," "bedding," "barbecue," "Patriarchs." He's using their own bedding to fry the Lord's people, the Lord's prophets...So, if you got a bed with coils on it, you better find a way to ground it...They're using their weapons to fry you as you sleep, and trust me, I've been there. I've been completely fried. Felt like I just woke up outta a microwave oven, but when I'd wake up I'd seen these white beams hitting me in the head. New Assassination Attempts Through Our Own Beds
And here's a heads up, because I know some people who are going through these afflictions, and so I found it interesting, especially since Obama's behind it. He's almost getting as bad as Cheney now. Whenever you see Dick Cheney, he's always behind someone's assassination attempt. Probably behind the call I got last week. He's always been after me for what?, 10 years now? Always has an assassination in mind. Some kinda plan underway. But now—and Obama's always trying to destroy people. He's always looking for ways to destroy people. Vaccinations. Flu shots. Using big pharma. Corexit in the Gulf. He's always looking for ways that will destroy people. And so, it shouldn't come as a surprise he's using your very beds to afflict you with. Yeah. You know, most bed springs are made with coils, and they're using this to fry you. And I seen this in the Bible Codes yesterday. I just shake my head. “Obama,” “bedding,” “barbecue,” “Patriarchs.” He's using their own bedding to fry the Lord’s people, the Lord’s prophets. Those are the one's he's targeting. Start Finding Ways To Ground Your Beds So, if you got a bed with bed coils on it, you better find a way to ground it. Because they use these electromagnetic and satellite weapons, and your own bed becomes part of the process to fry you. And so, I've heard suggestions of putting your bed on rubber mats or at least putting the leg posts on rubber mats to ground them, so that it doesn't affect the bed coils. And so, that’s something you might want to look into, and find a way to ground your bed. Because that's what he's doing. They're using their weapons to fry you as you sleep, and trust me, I've been there. I've been completely fried. Felt like I just woke up outta a microwave oven, but when I'd wake up I'd see these white beams hitting me in the head. They can come through a pin hole in your window if you don't have it completely covered. If the curtain has just a small area uncovered, they can come through that small area with microwave beams and hit you with them and fry you with them. That's how good they are. And so, another thing for that is to put Mylar blankets on your windows. Some people even put it on the ceilings. And now with the latest suggestion, is finding a way to ground your beds. |
Had a certain branch of aliens here in my own yard. The ugly tall dark green and black ones and <deep sigh> they're finding out really quick now that the Orgone will kill them and it's everything we've said it is...There was an incident where a few showed up and got really weak and started getting sick, so, they left, came back with about 50 more and it wasn't long before all 50 of them realized, "Hey, there's something going on here!" <chuckles> And I find it amusing that they would come. Military Working Side By Side With Aliens
So, you can't refute they both exist, they both exist side by side. Can't take one without the other, can't say oh the military's just wanting everyone to believe that they exist because they do! Then you can't just say oh it's all just aliens and UFO's because they are both working hand in hand with our military here. And the reason I think so, one of the reasons why they would anyways, is because the 4th dimension craft are finding out really fast that they're not going to be able to operate in our dimension. Many of them do, don't get me wrong, But thousand's of them, when they materialize in our dimension, they're crashing. They're crashing because of the Orgone. The Orgone is HUGE. Join The Resistance! It's a HUGE weapon for those who wants to join the resistance against the coming UFO's and aliens. Because it destroys them. And they're learning really quick, they're learning. You know my house has been a zoo the past two weeks, had a certain branch of aliens here in my own yard. The ugly tall dark green and black ones and <deep sigh> they're finding out really quick now that the Orgone will kill them and it's everything we've said it is. Incident At Sherry’s Home There was an incident where a few showed up and got really weak and started getting sick, so, they left, came back with about 50 more and it wasn't long before all 50 of them realized, "Hey, there's something going on here!" <chuckles> And I find it amusing that they would come. I've never dealt with this type of alien before, they're still operating in the 4th dimension. The Lord allows me to hear them, sense when they're around. How To Know An Alien Is In Your House Oh, the first sign is you get totally nauseous. Because I always get nauseous when evil is around. And I'm talking demons. This is the first time I've gotten nauseous with aliens. Because they were right in my house, they were coming in and they were all over the place and I just got really nauseous with them. And that's how you can tell, that's how I can tell when they're around. Other than the fact I could hear them. And sometimes the Lord allows me to see into the other dimensions. And the reason being is because everything I've learned I've learned the hard way. Sherry Teaches All Of Us From Her Experiences Now you guys have it easy you can sit back and listen to me and learn and you don't have to go through all this stuff. I've had to go through every little thing I've ever learned, I've had to experience myself and the Lord allows it and that's why; so I can teach others, exactly what they're dealing with, how to handle it. Whatever information He wants them to learn. And He knows that's how I'll remember it, because I went through it. And I've gone through so much learned so much over the past 10 years. Most Wouldn't Survive Most people couldn't handle it. Most people could not live a day, a month through the things that I've gone through. Oh you get attacked one time and you think you know what it's like to be in my life now? No. Live it as a life. <laughing> Try living it on a daily basis for ten, fifteen years. |
I was looking at a Code for attack on Carrollton, Ohio...I happened to notice last week that there were a bunch of transit vans sitting in a parking lot...probably hold 15-20 people. And, something just struck my curiosity on that. "Why are all those vans all of a sudden there?"...a couple days later I was driving by, happened to see on the side of one and it said "Disaster Services." And so, I'm thinking, "OK, here we go. Here we go. They're gonna come for Carrollton. They're gonna try something here." Bible Codes Reveal Coming Attack on Sherry's Hometown in Ohio
Whether Obama ever gets out and says, "I'm a Lizard and my family's coming from space," [laughs] whether we ever get him to admit it or not, I don't know. He's clearly a pawn of Maitreya's. I see his name and Maitreya's all over the Codes. I was looking at a Code for attack on Carrollton, Ohio, because I happened to notice last week that there were a bunch of transit vans sitting in a parking lot. And they're just little transportation vans. They probably hold 15-20 people. And, something just struck my curiosity on that. "Why are all those vans all of a sudden there?" And then, a couple days later I was driving by, happened to see on the side of one and it said "Disaster Services." And so, I'm thinking, "OK, here we go. Here we go. They're gonna come for Carrollton. They're gonna try something here." I've always seen them trying to attack Carrollton. This is nothing new, folks. They've been after me -- I've gone through eons of assassination attempts in the last ten years. And, I usually don't so much as raise an eyebrow or fuss over them, because they come and go. The Lord hasn't allowed anything. And so, interestingly enough, when I started warning about zombies, it was almost like I could see Ohio becoming the breeding ground for this. The whole -- maybe not the breeding ground, but the beginning because of some kind of chemical attack. And so, you know, as much as they're always trying to attack my area, it looks like the government, itself, is going to be doing something. Trying to because the aliens can't. They can't get in here. They have to stay way off, way out, or they're going to burn and crash from the orgone. And, almost looked like some kind of chemical attack. And, usually when it's a chemical attack, you're thinking chemtrails or forced vaccinations, because that's usually how the alien agenda is working now. It's with biowarfare. The whole biowarfare agenda is an alien agenda. And, the whole attack on our civilizations is through biowarfare, because they attack through chemicals. You know, our government think of attacks as with bombs and war. The aliens think of it as biowarfare. Chemicals. They're always the ones behind that. And so, I'm seeing some kind of chemical biowar attack against Carrollton, Ohio. And so, I'm watching to see if anything else of significance happens here. Have not seen any kind of military here increased. You know, anything here, any kind of people that shouldn't be aren't here. I just see, you know, vehicles sitting in a parking lot. |
They've been trying to assassinate me while I'm sleeping for years. And using various tech weapons and ways to do it. And I've always just fought back at them. Stop ELF and Satellite Beam Attacks with Orgone and Mylar Blankets
And so, you know, when I prayed and asked the Lord, years ago, how can we tear down the strongholds of the New World Order, how can we stop the high-tech weapon attacks against us, and I had these various prayers, He led me to one weapon that took care of everything I was praying about. It tears down Satan's strongholds and also defeats their high-tech weapon attacks. And so, there's various things we can do. Orgone doesn't always stop satellite beam attacks, but Mylar will. And so you can put these cheap old Mylar blankets -- you can get them for like, eight bucks a dozen at These Mylar blankets are space blankets. You tape them over your windows and it'll stop satellite beams from coming through your windows at night while you're sleeping. If you're ever sleeping at night, and you see a white beam of light hitting your bedrooms, hitting your walls, hitting you, coming towards you [laughs], that's when you know you're being hit by satellite tech. Or if you wake up and you feel like you've been sitting in the sun all day, you're burned, and you feel like you're burning from the inside out, those are microwaves, those are high-tech weapons. This is the stuff we deal with. And, you know, they've been trying to assassinate me while I'm sleeping for years. And using various tech weapons and ways to do it. And I've always just fought back at them and said, "OK, Yah. How can I stop that one? How can I stop that one?" And I know He's protecting me and He always has. He's always had my back. But He's also given me some kind of a physical means instead of just saying, "OK, surround me with Your angels," which He would and does all the time. That's the spiritual protection and it's for the spiritual realm. He'll give me a physical weapon in THIS realm to work with. You know? I could ask Him to stand an angel in front of the window and absorb all the chemtrail...satellite attacks...whatever. Or I could just put up Mylar and leave the angels alone. [laughs] I put up Mylar. Or you put orgone pucks in front of your computer monitor. You sit in front of your monitor. Oh, they've got this new thing where they just attack you with the drowsies. You just start going to sleep, when you're sitting in front of your computer monitor. And then when you get away from your computer, you feel fine. Yeah, they hit you with this new sleep tech. It's affected a lot of us that spend a lot of time on the computer. And so, I put a 10-ounce orgone blaster -- one of these 10-ounce molds I have -- in front of it and it's totally stopped that. You'll also, if you're experiencing chest pains, migraine headaches, dizziness. Those are all symptoms of ELF [Extremely Low Frequency] attacks that the government can shoot at you through your computer monitor. And so, put orgone in front of your monitors. I like the 10-ounce ones. Also in front of your TV. These new plasma TVs, the LCDs, LEDs, they're instruments of ELF attacks because they can shoot them through TVs as well as your computer monitors. |
Saturday night, when I started going through this extreme pain in both of my legs, the Lord had revealed to me that there were 100 psychic assassins focused on my assassination and death. Trying to induce a heart attack or stroke and trying to make my death look natural. So I was amused for a few seconds and then in 5 seconds demolished every one of them. I simply send His warrior angels to every one of them. There was no show last week. I sent an announcement out to my lists earlier in the evening. As most of you know, I had to go to the med center and have my leg looked at. Earlier Saturday, my husband had pulled a chip out of my leg and it was just tripling in size. There was a lot of heat coming off the top of it. It was like the whole thing was inflamed. So I went to the med center and got some pain killer. They wanted me to go in the next day to the hospital to get checked for a blood clot. I knew at this point it was some kind of alien attack. I wasn’t too hopeful of the doctors finding anything…and they didn’t. So round 1 went to zero, but I’m out about 400 bucks on it. So that pretty much put me down for the week with a swollen leg. I really couldn’t move around that well, although Orgone orders still went out. I’m all caught up on those.
So I find it amusing. Some people claim that the Lord’s people can’t be attacked; if they were protected by Him, they wouldn’t be attacked. And that’s not true. Anything that happens to us has to be allowed by Him. He has always allowed His saints to be persecuted. In fact, that’s the one thing that has always made us stronger. Persecution. Most of the disciples and apostles died a horrific death. I don’t know how anyone can say that the Lord’s people will never be attacked by Satan. That’s a bunch of hogwash. Job went through a lot of attacks. You can hear the hiss in the entire thing from the beginning. That’s what made me kindof hesitant about the whole thing. Even bringing it up and letting people know what was going on. You could hear the hiss of Satan in the whole thing. He is always accusing me before the Lord. I see that in the codes. He’s got his accusations. So I could just hear it; him saying to the Most High, “Let me take her and the rest will be mad at You and abandon You.” You know? It was his lame attempt to assassinate me. Some time Saturday night, when I started going through this extreme pain in both of my legs, the Lord had revealed to me that there were 100 psychic assassins focused on my assassination and death. Trying to induce a heart attack or stroke and trying to make my death look natural. So I was amused for a few seconds and then in 5 seconds demolished every one of them. I simply send His warrior angels to every one of them. (He told me they were standing in a circle.) And chain and bind every one of them and take them to Him for immediate judgment. So I don’t know who they think they are dealing with. An amateur here? I’m no amateur. I’ve been dealing with Satan and his kingdom for years and one of the things you learn is warfare; how to counterattack when they’re on the offensive. True, being on the offense is much more fun; tearing down the strongholds of Satan, which is what we have been doing for years now, getting this earth ready for his arrival. You have to work it both ways as a warrior and a believer in the Most High. You have to know how to go on the offense; you have to know how to go on the defense. You have to know which is which. The first thing you have to do is go to Him. “”Okay, what’s going on?” and have Him reveal to you what’s going on. They lost 100 men in that round and I’m still standing…well, limping. But I didn’t see one warrior get distressed about it or back down. In fact, I heard from quite a few and I was so pleased. Instead of slowing down the production of Orgone, which was one of their ideas in taking me out, we had some warriors out there getting out some big bucket blasters. So I thought that was amusing. They think just like me, that’s what’s so funny about the whole thing. Every time that Satan has attacked me over the last 10 – 20 years I’ve gotten him back. I get even. I get back. I put up a website. That’s why I have 20. I’m on the defense. I’m on the offence. It’s very rare that you can just sit back. When nothing is happening, you’re just too cozy and not looking for the next attack and it just blindsides you. The important thing to note is how to react. So very pleased hearing from warriors that put bucket blasters out. What did he prevent? He slowed me down getting a few orders out this week that were 3 oz blasters. C’mon, we’ve got bucket blasters out there now! So that’s what I like hearing. That’s what I enjoy hearing. It’s definitely the bucket blasters that can permeate the air in seconds. The 3 oz and 5 oz blasters that you can make and I sell on my website will probably take a couple of days. Some people say instant success in getting them in the air right away. Other times they can take a couple of days to saturate the atmosphere, but just as powerful. Just as effective. He hates all of it. He hates Orgone energy. It’s a positive ether energy and it drives him nuts. It’s the one thing that’s destroying the canopy; this loosh net that they’ve put over the earth. It’s destroying that net. So you’ll see them starting early in the mornings. About 5 am you’ll see them start chemtrailing way up in the sky. It’s amusing that all of us in the same region can see the same planes chemtrailing because they're so high up. They’re trying to repair a breach in that net; that canopy that we’ve put in this region. That’s why you’ll see them so active and busy in the mornings. The planes have red flashing lights on them. As the sun begins to rise, they’ll turn the lights off and look like white chemtrail planes. That’s usually how you can usually tell what’s going on. The difference between alien UFOs and government chemtrail planes, simply by the lights and things they’re doing. |
One thing I’ll see about certain people in the codes, like with my name and others that I know, you’ll see the term tested. They’ve been tested. I’ve been through the fire and back. I’ve been through just about everything you can imagine. I’ve had assassination squads after me for 8 years. I’ve been tested. And everybody else has had their own testings that the Lord has put them through. It’s a very, very small, minuscule number of people. When I look in the codes, it’s always my remnant; Sherry Shriner – remnant. David’s granddaughters– remnant. We’re the Orgone warriors. I lead the warriors. Question from a listener: Hey Sherry, can you explain why there is no rapture?
There is no church rapture. First of all folks, there are seven churches listed in Revelation. One church is raptured – The Church of Philadelphia. One church is raptured. The smallest one, mind you. If you look at the fifth seal, which most pre-trib rapturists will explain way saying those are the people who get saved after the rapture. It’s not. It’s the Lords testing on His people. He is going to send the churches today through the coming testing because they’ve never been tested. One thing I’ll see about certain people in the codes, like with my name and others that I know, you’ll see the term tested. They’ve been tested. I’ve been through the fire and back. I’ve been through just about everything you can imagine. I’ve had assassination squads after me for 8 years. I’ve been tested. And everybody else has had their own testings that the Lord has put them through. It’s a very, very small, minuscule number of people. When I look in the codes, it’s always my remnant; Sherry Shriner – remnant. David’s granddaughters– remnant. We’re the Orgone warriors. I lead the warriors. We’ve been tearing down strongholds for the past 5 – 6 years now. We’re not talkers; we’re doers. So very interesting. And the Lord always tells me that He is going to put His bride through a time of testing, just like this H1N1. You either listen to His Spirit…it’s a weeding out thing. People are either going to listen to his admonishments…those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons and daughters of God. Yeah, it’s a time of testing. Everything else is just superficial. And it’s going to weed out all these superficial Christians and will be a time of testing. They may have to give their lives for the Lord, but they’ll go to Heaven. That’s how they will be tested. They are so stuck in churchdom theology and their own delusions for years, that He has never been able to test them. And what does HE say about the 144,000? They are found without guile. And most of the churches today are full of guile. Full of witchcrafts, full of apostasies, full of errors. And the 144,000 are found without guile. They are perfect in His Eyes. Of course, they are still learning things and on a truth journey. But when you are in Him, you are perfect. People who are on a truth journey, seeking Him for the truth in all things, they are righteous. They are perfect in Him. So that’s why there is no rapture. I grew up in the Baptist church for 30 some years. I know all about their rapture doctrines. Question from a listener: With all the issues surrounding our food and water being poisoned, I was wondering if the verse from Mark 16:18 would apply to this issue. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. Thanks for your courage and encouragement. It very well could be, but when people throw that out, the one thing that the Lord always hits me with…it’s almost like an immediate…almost like an anger, because people use that as a crutch. You know? We are not to test the Lord. He will say that, “Don’t test Me.” We are supposed to seek wisdom and truth in all things and ultimately we reap what we sow. If you are going to eat fast food, and all of us are guilty of that, you will reap what you sow. You’ll get clogged arteries, clogged veins and everything else under the sun because of all the unhealthy things we do. He doesn’t spare us from that. We reap what we sow. I would that at a time when you don’t expect it. So many times when I was on my one Orgone road trip in New Mexico, I was eating at a restaurant beside the hotel. That hotel, I’ll tell you was just a zoo of federal agencies. There was CIA, FBI, DIA...everybody there. And it was just me and a handful of people there. I would eat and would just get so sick. He showed me where they were poisoning the food I was eating. I got a little shaken by it, but I never keeled over with bad food poisoning. I was just sick enough to know that something wasn’t right. So that’s when I think He protects you. I know without a doubt when I drove all over Los Alamos and drove up to the gates of NORAD, they couldn’t have seen me. There is no way. I must have been invisible. [laughs] Los Alamos is supposed to be one of the most secure facilities in the world and I orgoned the place. I mean, c’mon, I drove right up through the back of it. I think He just does things to protect us, but don’t tempt Him. Don’t say, “Okay Lord, I’m going to stand on this verse in Mark 16 here” and drink a glass of poison. Don’t tempt Him, because you will sow what you reap. Thanks for that question. It was a great one. It kindof clarifies things for a lot of people. |
I’ve often seen assassins come to my town and turn around and leave. This kind of stuff has been going on for years. It’s nothing new to me. But you can almost feel the crunch time coming. You can almost feel it. I got an email earlier this week. I knew it was coming. In fact, I had talked to my friend last month and I said, “Here comes warning number 1 million 999 trillion.” I knew they were going to contact me. I had seen in the Bible Codes; the Lord showed me that. Sure enough on May 1st (I think that’s the satanic new year) I received an anonymous email directed towards The Resistance, which is me, Sherry Shriner. Someone sent that to me. I want to read it. It says:
Sherry, we have sent you the signs. You know to much. The Orgone blasters have left us no choice but to shut you and the resistance down. Your site is no match for our advanced technology. We will commence a shutdown immediately. So after being humored about it for a while (and I am when they do send me something), I asked the Lord about it. I’m going to read His response and some of the other things that He had to say to me last week. I won’t read it word for word. I write things down as best I can in so many words, basically. They’re not always word for word from HIM, but usually as close as possible. The Lord said: "They did contact you. They are implementing their plans to take you down and destroy your ministry. They will have some success but not prepared child for the coming attacks against you, both visible and invisible. I am with You. They have petitioned Me to end your life, I will not allow it, but I have not told them My plans. They will see Me in My glory and that you are Mine. Satan (our adversary) is have accomplished much when they thought you would be they see you're ministry wasn't one of words, but action..and your works are everywhere and through many people...results speak volumes, and yes child, the results are in My hands. They are planning and plotting against you..I will not tell you everything child, but know that I am with you and as always, WE will be a step ahead of them. I love to hear you laugh child, it's medicine to the masses and it cheers Me to hear you and your dedication to Me. And I’m not going to make public the other things that He said to me. But He did confirm they are plotting. I’ve seen it in the Bible Codes. When I’ve told you before, when you see Dick Cheney in the codes, he’s up to no good. He’s always planning someone’s demise…so he thinks. I’ve seen him in the codes. I’ve seen Al Gore. Barack Obama. They’re all plotting. So it could get interesting. I’ve warned you guys before that my websites will be taken down. That’s what came to mind when the Lord said, “They will have some success but not all,” in the fact that they probably will take my websites down… and probably shut down my radio show. I don’t know if this will be the last Monday I ever do a show or not. I don’t know if I’ll have next week. I don’t know how much longer my websites will be up. All I know is that they are plotting and planning to end my ministry. They can take it off the internet, but they can never end it. They can make it impossible for me to get on the internet. They can make it impossible for others to get to my websites…but they can’t stop what we’re doing. Too many people already have the knowledge of what Orgone is and what we’ve been doing with it over the years. And they can continue on whether I’m on the internet or not. I’ve always said I’m not here to build an army; I’m here to wake one up. A lot of people have been woken up. And they’ll just have to carry on. If I don’t have an internet presence, they’ll have to carry on with themselves. We’re the Lord’s Warriors. I don’t have followers. The Lord has followers. We’re His Warriors. We’re His Servants. We follow Him. So just continue on, whether I’m on the internet, have an internet presence or not. Just carry on. You can download all my archives. All you have to do is go to a link and right click on it. Then click on “save as”. You can save it to your desktop. You can make a folder inside of your computer for my radio shows. Just go to a link and right click on it and click on save as. You can go through and save all my archives. You can save all my radio shows. You can copy and paste information off of my websites. Put it into Word for Windows or whatever program you have. I even have all my articles in zip format on my websites. You can download that in zip format and have my articles. There are programs you can by where you can download websites onto them and save them. I just really don’t know how much longer my websites will be up, or how long my radio shows will continue on. Just a heads up on that….and getting prepared. I told you guys several months ago, they’ve always been planning to take my sites down. Now there just seems to be a little bit more bite to their bark. Especially when the Lord Himself confirms that they’re planning and plotting. He often does that for me. He will let me know bits and pieces of what’s going on around me. I’ve often seen assassins come to my town and turn around and leave. This kind of stuff has been going on for years. It’s nothing new to me. But you can almost feel the crunch time coming. You can almost feel it. |
One thing that I started seeing probably a month or two ago and I’ve been laughing about it ever since. They’re going to try and blow up my residence. This would be like assassination attempt number...I don’t know....180.....280. Interesting that looking in October in the Bible codes to see what kinds of things will be happening for October. One thing that I started seeing probably a month or two ago and I’ve been laughing about it ever since. They’re going to try and blow up my residence. This would be like assassination attempt number...I don’t know....180.....280. I thought that was interesting because Cheney is behind it and has been trying to kill me off for years now. But it was funny because it was two terms I didn’t recognize, “plug” and “malfunction”. Maybe it means detonator. Maybe it’s a hand grenade? I don’t know. A plug malfunctioned, so they couldn’t blow up my house. They tried that two years ago with a satellite beam weapon; that didn’t work either. |
It's not like I haven't had a zillion death threats or even assassination attempts, it's not me they're taking's YAH...and I'm still standing! People often ask me how I'm still alive if I'm exposing the alien agenda as I do...YAH IS WHY.
I am totally protected by Him. It's not like I haven't had a zillion death threats or even assassination attempts, it's not me they're taking's YAH...and I'm still standing! One of these days perhaps one of them or even a few of them will realize they're on the losing side. |
No matter what happens to me, keep doing what the Lord leads you to do. As long as Cheney is in office he’s not going to stop planning my assassination...we just keep doing our work and aren’t affected by the things going on around us and we just stay focused on what it is the Lord has us to do. You know what folks? If they do decided to come out and acknowledge the Orgone war that we have against them and something does happen to me, don’t stop doing what you’re doing. Don’t stop because we are the only line of defense that America really has.
It’s the Orgone that is destroying Satan’s kingdom and nothing else. Nothing else is destroying him like Orgone is. We need to continue to get that out. Every time I turn around they have an assassination plot to take me out. If something does happen to me, keep going. Keep fighting. That’s my life’s work; protecting the Lord’s people and people around the world. We need to continue that; destroying the strongholds of the New World Order. A little Orgone blaster; these little things that you put out all over the place destroy their technology. It’s the only thing that tears them down and causes them to malfunction. It has 150 million different things it does because it’s something that the Lord has given us to protect ourselves in these last days. Back in Noah’s day, they didn’t have high tech weapons. They didn’t have beams coming into their rooms at night to zap them while they’re sleeping or fry them with microwaves. They didn’t have to deal with the technology that we’re dealing with today. When I was praying and asking the Lord for a defense against these tech weapons, exactly what He led me to was the Orgone. I have the directions at my site or You can learn to make it yourself. I love the pipes. If you want to get into Orgone pipes, the directions to make them are also on the directions page. I find them very, very effective. It’s the one thing that we have. Just a heads up; no matter what happens to me, keep doing what the Lord leads you to do. As long as Cheney is in office he’s not going to stop planning my assassination. He just jumps from one thing to the next. Whoever comes after him, it will be the same thing. It doesn’t really matter at this point, because we just keep doing our work and aren’t affected by the things going on around us and we just stay focused on what it is the Lord has us to do. |
I would sit in front of my computer and all of a sudden start getting really bad chest attacks or I would feel like I would be just getting really woozy, really dizzy….like I was drunk or on drugs or something. I don’t know how to explain it. You get a sulfur taste in your mouth. You get migraine headaches. I didn’t know what was going on, so I prayed and asked the Lord how I could make this stop. He led me to orgone. My whole journey with orgone started because I would sit in front of my computer and all of a sudden start getting really bad chest attacks or I would feel like I would be just getting really woozy, really dizzy….like I was drunk or on drugs or something. I don’t know how to explain it. You get a sulfur taste in your mouth. You get migraine headaches. I didn’t know what was going on, so I prayed and asked the Lord how I could make this stop. He led me to orgone.
The first thing he did was show me what was out there and what the pagans were doing at the New Age sites. Then He showed me what was wrong with the orgone that they were making and then He showed me how to make the right orgone. I had no background in that at all folks. I didn’t know what I was doing. I was totally in the dark. The first batch that I ever made, I was like okay Lord, “Show me how to do this. I would listen to His small voice in my spirit. When the Lord talks to you, He talks to you in your spirit. It’s like a small voice talking to you in your heart. He does not speak to your head. If you hear voices speaking to your head, rebuke it, it’s Satan. That began my whole journey. 5 or 6 years later now, we’ve got this stuff across the country, across the world. We’re watching it demolish alien bases, chemtrails, and all kinds of different uses. You can read about it at You can read about my road trips that I’ve taken across the USA . This isn’t something that I make a lot of money on. If the Lord's people and one person in particular hadn’t even financed the trips, I wouldn’t have even made it. There is no money making in this. I have the directions on my site where you can make it yourself. We’re just trying to do the Lords work in the last days. |
The Kings of the earth know who I am. And I constantly have to deal with attacks, harassments, spying, assassination attempts, from the Mossad, CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA, Pentagon, White House, the "Ascended Masters"...and Satan himself. People want to call our Orgone witchcraft when it is Yahuah Himself who taught me how to make it and gave it to us as an answer to prayer of how to tear down Satan's strongholds on earth. An answer from Him as to how to protect ourselves against their attacks and weapons being used against us. How to fight back against UFOs and alien abductions and their appearance in our skies. How to destroy their underground bases and prisons. How to prepare for the coming "alien invasions" of the "Ascended Masters" and their "New World Order Alien Age" they're bringing to earth as the Antichrist and False Prophet, the invasions of the Locusts and the 200 Million demonic army of Revelation chapter 9. These are things the Father led me to when I first started my ministry for Him and I knew we needed a way to protect ourselves then, now, and in the future against Satan and his forces that are above us in the skies, below us under the earth, and even on the earth posing as "humans" amongst us.
So I took this Orgone and turned it into a war against the Wicked (see ). I took it all the way to Satan's feet and we battle each other constantly now as the war I started against him has proven very effective in crashing tens of thousands of their UFOs, star ships, portals, gateways, and killing millions of his forces in the process. The "meteors" crashing to earth the past 15 years are UFOs and star ships crashing. The assassination attempts on me have been numerous over the years crossing into two different presidencies (Bush (8 years) and Obama) who both order/ordered them constantly against me of which the Most High protects me from. I've been shot at and poisoned more times than I can count or remember, or even pay much attention to anymore. The Father has my back! Angels surround my home, my property, and Father lets me see enough to know the war is real against me, but not distract me from doing the things I need to be doing to keep this war going. The Kings of the earth know who I am. And I constantly have to deal with attacks, harassments, spying, assassination attempts, from the Mossad, CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA, Pentagon, White House, the "Ascended Masters" (what the New Agers call Satan's panel of experts and advisors, the New Agers refer to them as enlightened beings) and Satan himself. |
The CIA, NSA, DIA, DOE, and FBI and other Federal agencies all have divisions within them that work strictly with the alien or black NWO agenda...I have lost almost everything including my home as these same agencies work to destroy me and keep me from exposing them. I have survived assassination attempts, eons of death threats, constant surveillance and high tech microwave weapon attacks and the Lord still keeps me standing for another day of this battle. The New World Order is simply the means to achieving their conquest and enslavement of mankind.
Since the 1930's our government has established secret groups and agencies to work with the aliens to help create and bring about this New World Order where aliens will rule over mankind and make humans their slaves, and humans will also become their food source should famine deplete the food supply, just as in the days of Biblical Patriarchs Enoch and Noah. Most of these human agencies have little knowledge of the real plans of these aliens when they start working with them, but eventually the truth becomes known to them and by then they are in so deep with the Luciferian agenda they are possessed, hypnotized, and even killed to keep them from exposing their plans. The Lord told me several years ago that people who come in contact with these aliens become overtaken and possessed by them. And that is why the CIA, NSA, DIA, DOE, and FBI and other Federal agencies all have divisions within them that work strictly with the alien or black NWO agenda because the aliens have taken over the bodies of these humans (possessed or even soul-scalped) and now work within these agencies as "humans" to ensure their agenda moves forward. I have heard from several federal employees that work or worked within these agencies that in their own words said they "didn't believe their boss was even human." Literally. They weren't just stating adjectives to describe their bosses, they told me direct, "I believe he/she is a reptilian." One person sent me a couple of photos of their boss who looked like she was in the middle of shapeshifting. I have always protected the identity of my sources and will still do so, but there's nothing I've heard yet from anyone that contradicts the things the Lord has already told me. In fact people confirm the things He says or has said to me all the time. So am I crazy? No. Just trying to wake up and educate a country and even the world that can't see the past, present, or future and what it's really been like, is like, or going to be like. I have nothing to gain. In fact I have lost almost everything including my home as these same agencies work to destroy me and keep me from exposing them. I have survived assassination attempts, eons of death threats, constant surveillance and high tech microwave weapon attacks and the Lord still keeps me standing for another day of this battle. I don't fear them, we have nothing to fear if we are in Him because He has given us the tools and power we need in Him to defeat them and only when He decides, can they take us down or defeat us and shut us up. It's when HE decides, not them. |
I have heard my file with the NSA is 7 volumes, with the CIA it's 3 inches, and who knows or cares about these or others. I certainly don't lose any sleep at night thinking about them...I leave it in Yahuah's hands and get my work done. They know I'm safe and extremely protected by the Most High Himself. I have sources that are astounded I'm still alive. There have been many plans, plots, and countless assassination attempts against me. They know it, I know it, and I could care less...I outrank them all. I don't pity the wicked. They made their beds and I've been trying to warn them and wake them up for years...but for many of them it's not to late to turn from their wicked ways, repent, and seek Yahushua's salvation.They know I'm legit. They know I am who and what I say I am. I've been under 24/7 surveillance by many different alien factions (since I was born) and federal agencies for the past 12 years that I know of, perhaps longer than that. I have heard my file with the NSA is 7 volumes, with the CIA it's 3 inches, and who knows or cares about these or others. I certainly don't lose any sleep at night thinking about them or what they're trying to do to me I leave it in Yahuah's hands and get my work done.
And they know this. They know I'm safe and extremely protected by the Most High Himself. I have sources that are astounded I'm still alive. There have been many plans, plots, and countless assassination attempts against me. They know it, I know it, and I could care less...I outrank them all. |