The ancient being known as Lilith staged a global assassination attempt against me via thousands of witches and Satanic groups accomplish my death via a heart attack. |
Elon Musk...using satellites to come against me. Ashtar Command...use their attempt to yank my soul out of my body. Elon Musk and Bush...come back with ground troops. Bush had six satellites...pounding on me. Then...just one Chinese satellite, and there was a chanting circle going on. |
It's the ones who resist...those are the ones they single out, and they come after, and they attack. They go after your jobs, they go after your health, they put you on assassination kill lists. And the Father protects us...these pockets of resistance. |
MAYOR: What the hell’s going on?
BUSINESSMAN: I have reason to believe, sir, that a volcano has been inadvertently initiated.
MAYOR: Volcano? Inadvertently!? Is this really happening?
BUSINESSMAN: I’m afraid so, sir. And, I am partly to blame.
MAYOR: We have to evacuate the city.
FBI AGENT: There’ll be panic, Mr. Mayor. Thousands of people will die.
MAYOR: And millions will die if we don’t. We’re clearing out the city. And I also want you to find me that woman.
FBI AGENT: Who, sir?
MAYOR: The geologist. The one who told me the truth!
--Quotes from Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York City movie (2006)
My ministry is the Father’s ministry on Earth. You should be supporting this one. Because I’ll tell you the truth. And I take hell for it, too. Literally. I battle hell all the time. It’s not easy when you’re the number one on the White House death list. They don’t stop. I take poisons all the time. Assassination attempts constantly. |
People wanna know why, after sending over 500 Navy Seals, 100 different Special Forces groups, specialized assassins, invisible assassins, poisoning, anything you could think of where they tried to kill me, why they can’t kill me. And it’s because I’m the daughter of Yahuah. And I have His protection. |
You can leave a legacy. That fact that something you did caused their deaths. Even when you're gone, they can't take back, can't stop what you did when you were on Earth...Even if the Father, for some reason, allowed them to kill me tomorrow, they can't take back anything I've done, anything I've accomplished in the last 20 years. |
They attack you with ELF weapons, their assassinations. And the thing is, you're never gonna realize how much the Lord protects you until you step out on the front line. And you get to have as many laughs as I've had. But you also take your hits. And I've taken a lot of hits, folks. I've taken a lot of hits. I just get up. I just get back up, you know. You learn how to fight back. |
When I was asking my sources about their attempted attack here the other day on my house, I was told it wasn't just me they're coming after. And I've known this. I can see it in the Codes. They're coming after all the Lord's warriors. |
They kept sending me all these disrupt and destroy the orgone war...One...jumped in a human body...on the Earth here. And from the time she was 16, had been looking for me. Because she was sent with orders to destroy the orgone war...She found me two years ago...Over ten years trying to find me...I don't think I'm that hard to find. I'm pretty out there, I thought. But that's what happens when you're on the blacklist. |
A lot of people get affected by the very fact that, you know, some of them, their main job was to destroy me. Coming up with plans and ways to assassinate me off the earth and they couldn't do it. They couldn't do it. They couldn't kill me. That's been a huge testament to a lot of these people of the power of God. |
I've talked about the UFO invasion, the Annunaki invasion. These are real. And they're coming. They're coming. I mean, just because I was able to block one here in my own area, of Bigfoots, because they were gonna have an army come here and try to take me out because their [Navy] Seals never could do it. |
April 16...their big bonfire sacrifice, I guess you could call it, was supposed to be me. And so, thousands of them loaded up in their UFO come watch the show...they had sent an entire--about 200 [Navy] Seals here...planning to take me out...What happened was they were all captured...there has been about 16,000 NATO international forces, celebrities, Seals, government, politicians, you name it, anyone who's anyone, who was here to watch the show that never happened, has now been captured. |
I've taken my hits. I've been poisoned more times than I can count. I've been sick more times than I can count because of the attacks I've had to endure, the assassination attempts that were thwarted...But [the Lord's] having so much fun watching us destroy Satan and his forces, you know, I don't think He's in any big rush to take us off [the earth]. |
Their assassination attempts against me have failed many, many times. Every plan they've set in motion, every assassin they've sent here, their special forces teams they've sent here, nothing has worked. And their poisons have no affect against me. So if orgone didn't work, why bother with all that? I mean, seriously. |
Plan B is to step up character assassinations on me. To just discredit me with smear campaigns. And I see it coming...There's just so many attacks coming from every angle. Every single angle I could see, I could even imagine. It's just coming. This is how desperate they are. This is how effective we've been. It's a testament to how effective we are. Because we're not a huge group. Orgone Warriors are probably the minority of anything. |
At one point I had enough poison in me to kill 10 men. The Lord had me go on a 3-day detox with eating just oatmeal. |
My latest assassination attempt where they were trying to kill me with chemicals. Some kind of chemical attack. And the worse they got was pneumonia. I had pneumonia for about 2 weeks or whatever. But they had to literally come in themselves with trucks and spray these chemicals around my property and stuff because they couldn't spray it overhead. Because the area has too much orgone in it. Chemtrails don't stick. |
My first assassination attempt of the year...was dealing with a group of warlocks working together, trying to give me some kind of long-distance voodoo heart attack-type thing. And I can remember just being in so much pain I thought I was a goner. I thought that was it. I thought that was it. I'm gone, I'm goin' home. And so, bounced back from that one. And we retaliated with going up against one of their major Giant bases, strongholds, in Lima, Ohio. |
They've been coming at us for years. The one thing they don't want to do is talk publicly about it because it will give us credibility. And so, what they've been quietly trying to do for the last 6 years, maybe 7, is assassinate me. I've gone through eons of that. I've taken about every hit you can think of. But the Lord's not gonna let them murder me...It's not in His plans, much to their demise. |
They never teach you real spiritual warfare. Most people today in the Christian community are no threat to Satan. That's why they don't understand us. That's why they have no understanding of my gazillion death threats and assassination attempts over the last 10 years, and the fact that I'm still alive today...One thing Satan hates the most is a praying believer. |
Now there's some kind of open contract going out. A reward for anybody who kills me. I don't know who's putting it up. But they're so desperate and so flabbergasted that they can't get it done, so now they'll hire somebody who thinks they can. And so, interesting...shows how effective we've been against them. |
I seen this in the Bible Codes yesterday..."Obama," "bedding," "barbecue," "Patriarchs." He's using their own bedding to fry the Lord's people, the Lord's prophets...So, if you got a bed with coils on it, you better find a way to ground it...They're using their weapons to fry you as you sleep, and trust me, I've been there. I've been completely fried. Felt like I just woke up outta a microwave oven, but when I'd wake up I'd seen these white beams hitting me in the head. |
Had a certain branch of aliens here in my own yard. The ugly tall dark green and black ones and <deep sigh> they're finding out really quick now that the Orgone will kill them and it's everything we've said it is...There was an incident where a few showed up and got really weak and started getting sick, so, they left, came back with about 50 more and it wasn't long before all 50 of them realized, "Hey, there's something going on here!" <chuckles> And I find it amusing that they would come. |
I was looking at a Code for attack on Carrollton, Ohio...I happened to notice last week that there were a bunch of transit vans sitting in a parking lot...probably hold 15-20 people. And, something just struck my curiosity on that. "Why are all those vans all of a sudden there?"...a couple days later I was driving by, happened to see on the side of one and it said "Disaster Services." And so, I'm thinking, "OK, here we go. Here we go. They're gonna come for Carrollton. They're gonna try something here." |
They've been trying to assassinate me while I'm sleeping for years. And using various tech weapons and ways to do it. And I've always just fought back at them. |
Saturday night, when I started going through this extreme pain in both of my legs, the Lord had revealed to me that there were 100 psychic assassins focused on my assassination and death. Trying to induce a heart attack or stroke and trying to make my death look natural. So I was amused for a few seconds and then in 5 seconds demolished every one of them. I simply send His warrior angels to every one of them. (He told me they were standing in a circle.) And chain and bind every one of them and take them to Him for immediate judgment. |
One thing I’ll see about certain people in the codes, like with my name and others that I know, you’ll see the term tested. They’ve been tested. I’ve been through the fire and back. I’ve been through just about everything you can imagine. I’ve had assassination squads after me for 8 years. I’ve been tested. And everybody else has had their own testings that the Lord has put them through. It’s a very, very small, minuscule number of people. When I look in the codes, it’s always my remnant; Sherry Shriner – remnant. David’s granddaughters– remnant. We’re the Orgone warriors. I lead the warriors. |
I’ve often seen assassins come to my town and turn around and leave. This kind of stuff has been going on for years. It’s nothing new to me. But you can almost feel the crunch time coming. You can almost feel it. |
One thing that I started seeing probably a month or two ago and I’ve been laughing about it ever since. They’re going to try and blow up my residence. This would be like assassination attempt number...I don’t know....180.....280. |
People often ask me how I'm still alive if I'm exposing the alien agenda as I do...YAH IS WHY. |
No matter what happens to me, keep doing what the Lord leads you to do. As long as Cheney is in office he’s not going to stop planning my assassination...we just keep doing our work and aren’t affected by the things going on around us and we just stay focused on what it is the Lord has us to do. |
I would sit in front of my computer and all of a sudden start getting really bad chest attacks or I would feel like I would be just getting really woozy, really dizzy….like I was drunk or on drugs or something. I don’t know how to explain it. You get a sulfur taste in your mouth. You get migraine headaches. I didn’t know what was going on, so I prayed and asked the Lord how I could make this stop. He led me to orgone. |
The Kings of the earth know who I am. And I constantly have to deal with attacks, harassments, spying, assassination attempts, from the Mossad, CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA, Pentagon, White House, the "Ascended Masters"...and Satan himself. |
The CIA, NSA, DIA, DOE, and FBI and other Federal agencies all have divisions within them that work strictly with the alien or black NWO agenda...I have lost almost everything including my home as these same agencies work to destroy me and keep me from exposing them. I have survived assassination attempts, eons of death threats, constant surveillance and high tech microwave weapon attacks and the Lord still keeps me standing for another day of this battle. |
I have heard my file with the NSA is 7 volumes, with the CIA it's 3 inches, and who knows or cares about these or others. I certainly don't lose any sleep at night thinking about them...I leave it in Yahuah's hands and get my work done. They know I'm safe and extremely protected by the Most High Himself. I have sources that are astounded I'm still alive. There have been many plans, plots, and countless assassination attempts against me. They know it, I know it, and I could care less...I outrank them all. |