She may be gone, but her words live on. Sherry Shriner, God's Mouthpiece on Earth and Prophet to the Nations, left us with much to think about, and much to do.
Sherry did her job for the Most High God, Yahuah (His Hebrew name), bravely and without wavering. She was not afraid to expose God's enemies for who and what they were no matter how high their position or rank, no matter how dangerous they appeared to be, and no matter how relentlessly they attacked her. She knew that her Boss and Father is bigger than theirs and that He kept His hand of protection over her always. She knew that it would be Yahuah, Himself, who would take her home when her job was done, and when He was ready. Those of us who have followed Sherry's online radio shows and postings for a while know that she was more than ready to go home. She was in "peat and repeat" mode with the information that she was presenting, simply because of the constant delays, year after year, of the coming Antichrist and False Prophet whom we knew as Sananda and Maitreya. The arrival of these cosmic beings, known as Ascended Masters of the Ashtar Command, would leave no doubt that we were in the tribulation period mentioned in the biblical book of Revelation. The Bible Codes listed specific times that we could expect them each year, Christmastime being one of them. But Sherry had warned them, during her December 25 radio show last year, that if they failed to show up this time, something she had planned with the Father would be set in motion to get them out of the picture and get the end-times ball rolling: TRUMP KNOWS HE’S UP AGAINST THE REPTILIANS-IN-CHARGE WHO ARE BEING PUSHED OUT OF POWER AND ARE FIGHTING BACK Well, the Deep State is being pushed out of power, and they’re fighting back, they’re fighting mad. And so, Trump knew, clearly, that Christmas Day was going to be, uh, have several different actions going on. ... See, it all boils down to us vs. them. Or it’s the humans against the aliens, folks. Because when you look at Obama and Clinton and who controls those clones, it’s Reptilians. If you look at the CIA, almost 98—90…some people say 100 percent are aliens, there’s no humans at all in the CIA. And there’s no humans at all in the NSA. And, you know, I was warning everybody, the last two years, that all the humans that were in those agencies were getting soul scalped, and that’s exactly what happened. I mean, they were getting soul scalped left and right. They had a list, and they didn’t care whose name was on the list. If you belonged to a secret society, and you signed the dotted line, you were getting soul scalped. And so, thousands, to where there’s hardly any humans that we see on TV or in the government. And Trump knows this. Trump isn’t stupid, he knows what he’s up against. He knows he’s not up against humans, he’s up against the Reptilians-in-Charge that run this world in the background. THE CONTROLLERS OF THIS WORLD IN THE BACKGROUND ARE THE REPTILIANS; LUCIFER AND HIS ANGELS WHO LOST THEIR PLACE IN HEAVEN AND WERE CURSED TO BE REPTILES The controllers of this world in the background are the Reptilians, because they are the snakes of Lucifer’s. Lucifer was cursed as a snake in the Garden of Eden. He’s Reptilian, folks. Not a little slimy snake on the ground, it’s the Reptilians. And his followers at that time, his fallen angels, his angels who fell with him from heaven, were turned into these Reptiles as well. And so, we have the Reptilians. That’s where they’re from, folks. And so, they have been controlling things behind the scenes for a long time. A long time. And every president has been bent over by them. And, you know, most of them don’t even fight them. It’s like Bush was—just went along, and Clintons. The only ones that were even fighting, at the beginning, were Eisenhower and Roosevelt, you know. And then they—eventually, they just all got taken over, that every president from then on would be soul scalped and just go along with the program, and so. And Jimmy Carter was the first president they cloned. He had 12 clones. TRUMP IS TRYING TO TAKE THE POWER OF THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT BACK TO THE HUMAN SIDE, AND HE HAS A MAJORITY OF PUBLIC SUPPORT BEHIND HIM And so, this is the state of affairs that we’ve been dealing with, folks. We’re not dealing with humans. And so, they don’t wanna give up the Deep State, they don’t want to lose power, they don’t want Trump going in and demolishing all the agencies that they controlled for so long. He’s trying to take the power of American government back to the human side. So it’s the humans against the Deep State, because the Deep State represents the Lizards, the Reptilians, the controllers behind the scenes. That’s what he’s fighting against. And the reason he’s having success in power is because they know that he has a majority of public support behind him and that worries them. That worries them, because they can’t—that’s something they can’t control. They can control all the money, they can control weapons and armies, but they cannot control public support, see. Soros tries. He tries to buy everybody off. But he just gets the Libtards [Liberals] THE REPTILIANS CALLED IN THEIR ALLIES, THE BEAR RACE, WHO THREATENED TO BLOW UP WASHINGTON, D.C. AS WELL AS MY HOUSE And so, they called in the Bear race, which is allies of the Reptilians. And this Bear race is the one that’s circling the earth now. And they were going to blow up D.C. Now, they were threatening to blow my house up as well, and I’ll just say it, because that was the first place I heard they were coming. Because that’s what their messages were, “We’re coming after you, b-i-t-c-h.” I mean, that’s just how it is. And they were pretty intent on it. And it’s just kind of been cat and mouse for the last couple weeks. And then they were going to go ahead and blow up D.C, threatening to blow up D.C. And that’s why I put the video out. Because I know they’re above us, I know they’re out there. Now, whether they—I know they’re burning up, too. They’re burning up. The orgone’s burning them up. And so, they can only stay for so long before they—you know, I heard, last week, about 20 ships were crashing, and so, the orgone’s working, the orgone’s working. When they come through these portals, I don’t care what side they come in—northwest, southwest, west, northeast—we have orgone. We have orgone everywhere. And if they stay in the air, they’re gonna burn. And our orgone would crash these ships. [starts coughing] And so, that’s kind of what we’re dealing with [coughs] and waiting on now. How do I just sit here and talk and keep up? They’re trying to affect my breathing already. Gee, I guess I should’ve put a Mylar blanket on before the show. Anyway, that’s what’s going on. And if anything happens at all—it may, it may not. I can’t control their plans. All I can do is tell you what they’re doing. IF THE ASHTAR COMMAND DOESN’T MAKE SOME KIND OF MAJOR GLOBAL MOVE BY THE END OF THIS MONTH, THINGS WILL GET KICKED IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTION WITH NEW PEOPLE IN CHARGE So, we’ve got this week, still. Now, remember, if they don’t make some kind of a major global move, then they suffer some huge consequences, too, so. And things are gonna really shake up then. You know, I can’t even really tell you if it’s for the good, or the better—I mean, the good, or worse. I don’t know. Haha! [laughs] For us, it’s good. It may delay things, and then that’s bad for us. But I don’t think it’s gonna delay things, I think it would just kick things in a different direction with new people in charge. And so, you know, whatever. You know, Lucifer has time to operate on Earth. He’s given 42 months to rule on earth as God. Those minions with him, they’re not guaranteed anything. They’re owed nothing. They’re owed nothing. ... But I’m saying, straight out, that this whole Ashtar Command, there’s no guarantees for you. There’s none. Nobody owes you anything, at all. You can be kicked to the curb very easily. And if you don’t wanna listen to me, ask Lilith. You’re guaranteed nothing. Nothing. So, if they wanna play patsies, they’ve got 5 days to play footsies. 5 days—7 days. Or just 6 days. To play footsies. And I’m done with it. I’m just done with all that. We will move on to something else, and they will be kicked to the curb. So, they have a week to make some kind of major move. That’s all I’m gonna say about that for now. This little Sananda, and Maitreya. They think we’re dependent on them? Heck, no. Heck, no. We’ve been amusing them with letting them think they’re more than what they are. They think silence is weakness, and that’s their problem. They think if you don’t act like a bully all the time, then you really don’t have any power. They’ve got some rude awakenings. I’m tired of time wasting. And so, you know, they’re gonna have to do something, make some kind of a move. Obviously, they didn't make a move, but things did change. And during Sherry's January 1 radio show, she let us know that the Chinese are in charge now, not the Ashtar Command: THE P2 LODGE OF FREEMASONRY THAT WAS RUN BY THE VATICAN IS DEAD, IT’S OVER You know, they were trying to establish the New World Order under Freemasonry. And it’s always been what they refer to as the P2 Lodge that was dominating the New World Order. And everybody in it had to become a Mason, and you would work your way up. And so, it was kind of a takeover of our country since Bush became president. ... And, from what I know, from what the Father was telling me last night, is that this P2 Lodge, this Freemasonry run by the Vatican, is now dead, it’s over. It’s no longer gonna be the power force of the world order that’s taking over. And so, you know, we’ve seen the dismantling of the Deep State. Trump has been plucking the feathers for the last several months. But, most importantly, is that the leadership has been terminated, in the background. They were working with a branch of the Ashtar Command with Sananda, and Maitreya, and Germain, and all them. And Ashtar Command still exists as a whole because there’s thousands in the Ashtar Command itself. But this particular branch is eliminated. Eliminated. And so, they had their time to get stuff done, and they just couldn’t do it. They just could never get it done. And so, it’s been eliminated. WE’RE GOING FROM THE FREEMASONRY-RUN NEW AGE AGENDA TO THE CHINESE INVASION AND DOMINANCE WHERE EVERYTHING HAPPENING WILL BE BASED ON THEIR ZODIAC CALENDARS And so, what we’re dealing with now—and this is gonna throw a lot of people off because it’s already throwing me off trying to figure stuff out—is there’s always been several routes to get to the New World Order. A one-world government run by Lucifer. And the Chinese have always been a big part of that one. And this is the route that’s going to be taken. We are going from—just when you thought you had it all figured out with the number system that the Mason’s used, we’re going from Freemasonry to the zodiac. Literally, we’re going to the zodiac astrological calendar. And so, everything we had figured out before, we can throw all that out the window because, now, everything’s going to be based on the astrology calendar. So. ... You know, the Chinese are Lilith’s seed on earth. They’re the oldest race on the earth is the Chinese. And so, who would Satan trust as the most dominant race on the world when he would come to power? It would be the Chinese. His own seedline. And so, this is what we’re going from. We’re going from the Freemasonry-run New Age lalala—that whole agenda I have spent almost 17 years warning people about—to this Chinese invasion zodiac calendar dominance. And so, everything that’s gonna be happening is gonna be based on their numbers, their calendars. ... And so, we’re gonna see a lot of the Chinese taking over kind of stuff. I’ve been screaming about it for years. And, you know, this is just the direction we’re going in, folks. This is the route that they are going to take. This is the route being taken because, like I said, the leaders have been eliminated on the other side. They can kiss their little Sananda and Germain goodbye. So, unless they totally replace those two—and I don’t think they even—I don’t think they’ll do it, I don’t think they have time. ... NOW THAT THE CHINESE WILL BE DOMINANT ON EARTH, THEY WILL BE DOMINANT IN SPACE WITH LILITH’S OFFSPRING And the Bears are still above us, they haven’t gone anywhere. They’re still above us. We’re waiting for maybe they would do something on New Year’s. They did nothing, which has been typical of this entire regime. They do nothing. And that’s why they’ve been eliminated. Now, I don’t know what’s gonna happen with the Bears that are above us. I don’t know if they’ll still attack. I’m sure eventually they will, because they’re Lilith’s kids, too. And so, now that the Chinese are gonna be dominant on the earth, they will be dominant in space with Lilith’s offspring. The Chewies, and the Chimps, and the Chewbaccas, and Bigfoots, that’s all Lilith’s kids. It’s Lilith’s offspring, just as the Greys were. You know, they still dominated on both angles, because once you got to the top of Freemasonry, what was the big secret? What was the big secret that you had to go through all those rituals and all those degrees to learn? The big secret was that Freemasonry was run by a tall Grey. That was the big secret. And who were the tall Greys? Those were Lilith’s kids with Solomon’s. Lilith and Solomon created an offspring together, she had them in space, and they were the tall Greys. And they were the ones running the secret societies down here on earth. WE ARE GOING TO BE AT WAR WITH CHINA, FOLKS And that’s exactly what Ashtar Command is, is they’re tall Greys. And they would manufacture human bodies. And they were gonna come and play Ascended Masters on earth as Jesus Christ, as the 12th Imam that the Muslims were waiting for. And Saint Germain who’s been leading all the world economic forums for the past 50 years, and guiding and goading the nations into this New World Order plan based under Freemasonry. Yeah, they were the ones running all of that. But they also run the Chinese. They also run all of that. They run both sides. And the Chinese are literally their own offspring. We’re gonna be at war with China, folks. We’re gonna be at war with China. Because there’s no other way of being able to understand and take what they’re doing, working under the radar now as multiculturalism, mixing the cities up. Like I said, they don’t do anything quietly, they’re loud, obnoxious, and dominant. And that’s how it’s gonna end up playing out. So, that's where Sherry left off back in January and what we need to prepare for, and fight back against, now. Of course, she warned of other things that we need to watch and prepare for as well. As things come to my attention, I will post them here, along with snippets of Sherry's previous comments to either remind you of what she said and spur you into action, or, if you're new to any of it, to make you aware of what's going on behind the scenes. Time is winding down. Know your enemies, but know your God better. Your relationship with Yahuah is the most important thing right now. |