G.W. Bush Asssassination
Genesis 27:29
I guess it's just time for this code to be posted. I mean, it's dominant in the codes right now. I can't do a code on anything and not run into my own death. So Bush, you are not alone. In fact you will have company, me and Cheney. Maitreya is a savidge beast, I've been trying to warn people of what he really is, and they will watch him, and your mind control projects have made so many people passive they won't do a thing at stopping him. If this code occurs, Bush's death will fulfill prophecy. What a head wound eh? He'll be back. He will come back as the Antichrist later in a "angelic glorified body."
When Maitreya comes he will make an example of his enemies to intimidate others from coming against him. I've always warned of his charm.
Genesis 27:29
I guess it's just time for this code to be posted. I mean, it's dominant in the codes right now. I can't do a code on anything and not run into my own death. So Bush, you are not alone. In fact you will have company, me and Cheney. Maitreya is a savidge beast, I've been trying to warn people of what he really is, and they will watch him, and your mind control projects have made so many people passive they won't do a thing at stopping him. If this code occurs, Bush's death will fulfill prophecy. What a head wound eh? He'll be back. He will come back as the Antichrist later in a "angelic glorified body."
When Maitreya comes he will make an example of his enemies to intimidate others from coming against him. I've always warned of his charm.
Maitreya - Pavilion - Tent - Perform - Execute - Bush - Assassination -
Beheaded - Decapitated - Biblical
This one shows Dick Cheney and me along with Bush
being beheaded in the pavilion with him..
being beheaded in the pavilion with him..
Cheney - Shriner - Death - Beheaded
The real question remains - exactly what Pavilion and where? Let their decoders figure it out.. =)
Will this happen? I'm not real sure this one is avoidable since the term "avoid, or avoidable" doesn't even show up in this code. It is so dominate in the codes that the probability is highly likely of it happening. However the terms "slow, delayed" do show up. No wonder Cheney is always in hiding, and the White House is a bit touchy and paranoid about "clouds" being in the area violating their air space. Yes, I've known what makes them paranoid, quite funny if you ask me...
Why does he kill Bush and Cheney? Because they are war mongers. And he will make them an example for the rest of the world to see that it is now time for peace and not war.
Why does he kill me? Refer to my Lucifer code where I am one of Satan's archenemies. Maitreya hates me for exposing him and the others.
As all future event type codes, this can come and pass. It's a window of opportunity for Maitreya. He can take it or pass on it. I don't know how long the window will be open.
Maitreya would have to make his arrival on earth...and this is from what I can tell one of the first things he does here..where is he now? Crystal City, Planet Nibiru, AKA Planet X, the home of Satan and the other frauds (Germaine, Sananda, Hatonn, Lucifer) waiting to descend on earth.