WHY DO WE NEED ORGONE? by Sherry Shriner
Why Do We Need Orgone?
By Sherry Shriner
I get asked all the time, "why should we make Orgone?" and that's the same question I kept asking myself until I realized WHY Yah kept leading me to it, so I could protect myself and others without having to constantly stay alert without ever a break from all my enemies constantly trying to attack and kill me. It was relentless, the daily attacks from Satan, our government, assassins, witches, warlocks, Satanists and all those who love Satan and hated Yah and me. When Yahuah told me years ago "you're my mouthpiece and you will speak to the nations" I never imagined all the attacks and hatred I would receive from so many people, organizations, groups, ministries, and beings. I had constant unwanted attention from those who set out to hate and attack me and the supernatural attacks from aliens and UFOs increased daily as well. It was a zoo.
The Bible warns us that the Last Days would be "as in the days of Noah." In the days of Noah fallen angels (aliens) were running rampant in the land abducting and impregnating human women. Hybrids (giants) were born as a result of the offspring between fallen angels and human women. Hybridization was common not just with aliens/fallen angels and women, but these wicked angels crossbred with animals as well.
In the last days we are seeing a huge rise in UFO/Alien abductions and crossbreeding with animals, hybridization of human offspring being born half human half alien, and even many created and born in labs with a variable mix of DNA.
Today we are also under attack by things the Apostles could have never been able to describe such as satellite weapons, HAARP weather weapons, chemtrails, chip implantation, vaccinations and flu shots that carry cancers and diseases to harm mankind (not help). ELF weapons, RNM weapons, microwave weapons..it never ends.
When I asked the Lord how to stop these tech based weapons from being used against us He led me to Orgone. Orgone is a crystal based defense weapon using piezo electric energy that produces an ancient energy we know as Aether Energy. Aether Energy is a Positive life and healing energy. It is also known in some forms as Chi energy and the Bible Codes describes it as Yah's breath. It is seen as a blue aura around earth.
We have found that with Orgone we can repel negative and evil energies and evil beings. Aliens and demons don't like being around it. Humans who are possessed by aliens and demons don't like being around it either. It burns them, asphyxiates them and some even break out in rashes and boils being around it. It doesn't affect normal humans. For normal humans it's a healing life energy, the same energy that surrounds our planet from which all life thrives and grows in its presence.
Orgone can stop chemtrails, ELF and RNM and microwave weapons, it can end night terrors by keeping aliens and demons out of your house and bedroom at night. It's a constant source of positive energy. You can fight with spiritual warfare prayers but you have to be constantly praying and on alert, and by the time your praying you're already under attack. Same with anointing your home with holy oil. It wears off after a week or two and you have to keep anointing your home. With Orgone it works every second of every day and never wears off. It's a constant emitter of Aether energy, of Yah's breath.
Evil people and beings hate it and are trying to find ways to combat the Orgone energy we produce. Satan is constantly raising up people to hate and try to discredit it, because he wants it banned from the earth. Our Orgone crashes their UFOs, burns aliens, keeps demons away, and has 101 other uses that benefit mankind, Satan wants to destroy, hurt, and kill mankind.
We don't worship Orgone. Orgone is a defense weapon. Yah never sent Israel to war without a plan or a weapon to use whether it be swords or horns (Jericho). His ways are not always mans ways. David killed Goliath with a stone. We're killing the giants in our day with Orgone blasters that look like hockey pucks. It's what He has led us to use to defend ourselves against the ever increasing tech weapons and alien/demonic attacks against us. And their growing visible presence all over the world in our skies.
There's people who call it witchcraft, or claim it's evil, but there's nothing about either of that that pertains to our Orgone. I asked Him for a way to protect ourselves from attacks and this is what He led me to. When you're a threat to Satan you get attacked, and some of us are attacked constantly. The ones complaining about me and our Orgone simply aren't a threat to Satan so don't understand the level of warfare we face daily, or are one of them trying to discredit it so people won't make Orgone because it's destroying THEM and their New World Order.
And many just don't have a clue about what's going on around them. They haven't seen the skies filled with UFOs or even know about the Alien New Age agenda coming full speed at us. And then there's those who think Yah will protect them and sit back on their couches. What I call "the other half." The very ones Yah will allow to be taken to FEMA camps and persecuted because they wouldn't seek Him or listen to the warnings given to them to protect themselves.
I've heard all the hate mongering against me over the years and the various excuses and reasons the 'other half' give against me and the Orgone and I just have to shake my head. There's an obvious point in the sand that divides believers and it's clearly that one half seeks Him and has asked Him about it and is led by Him, and the other half that talks a big talk but doesn't spend five minutes in real conversation with HIM. Which side are you on? Do you listen to HIM or the talkers who can't even walk what they talk? They just assume from all their head knowledge and Bible reading they know something, when they don't. And then there's those who just aren't called to be Orgone Warriors but they respect our work. The biggest problem I see are those who use Scripture to replace Wisdom and a real personal Relationship with Him! Wake up folks
When I was young I always had to deal with night terrors. Many people never grow out of night terrors but find themselves having to deal with the dark side their entire lives, Yah has given us relief against them with not only spiritual warfare prayers but with Orgone as well.
Yah has given us a specific recipe to use in making this POE Positive Orgone Energy. Not everyone who says they make or sell Orgone is making HIS orgone. There are many types of Orgone such as the DOE (Dead Orgone Energy) type that is sold all over Ebay and the Internet. DOE Orgone energy is preferred by Satan because it produces evil energy. Satan isn't trying to stop their Orgone, he's trying to stop OURS because it's from YAH Himself.
If you suspect there are demonic entities in your home, put our Orgone in it. They may react angrily for a day or two because you've put Orgone in it, but they will leave...because they can't stand being around Yah's breath! Put Orgone under your bed and in your room to stop them from coming in at night and notice the sound sleep you get after years of being harassed every night! It makes a HUGE difference! Are your kids complaining of night terrors? Stop laughing at them and put our Orgone in their bedrooms. You can anoint their rooms with holy oil but like I said, it wears off, where Orgone doesn't.
Noticing the ever increase of UFOs in our skies at night? Saturate your yard, neighborhood and towns with it and watch the UFOs begin to flee from your area! If it doesn't cause them to crash first! The media proclaims 'meteors' are crashing from the skies when it's UFOs!! We can destroy these wicked fallen angels we call Aliens! We can defeat them from abducting, kidnapping and harming us humans on earth!
We ARE the Resistance! We don't have to take Satan's constant attacks against us we can fight back in the name of Yahushua and the Orgone He's given us to use!
Orgone is a modern term for an ancient energy we know little about. Rediscovered by Wilhelm Reich who discovered it would crash UFOs and fight against evil beings, Yah led me to it 8 years ago to pick up where Reich left off. No man could touch the Ark of the Covenant without dying, why? Because it produced an energy that would kill them if they disobeyed Yah by touching it and defiling it with human hands. Was this the same energy? I believe so.
The Neutrino Detector
They have been trying to find ways to ban our Orgone but can't find ways to demonize it because there's nothing harmful about it, so they've come up with a machine that somehow can detect Orgone air and transfuse it into Dead Orgone Energy (DOE) so they can stand being in Orgoned areas. Is this the machine? There was only one in the world located in Japan and it's called the Neutrino Detector. Is this what they're putting under the White House lawn? It only has a 5 mile radius and it doesn't work!! IT DOESN'T WORK!!
Am I offended that so many people are standing up to hate and criticize me? No...I'm Vindicated! Our Orgone is destroying the NWO! They're spending $millions trying to find ways to combat it. If it wasn't effective they wouldn't be desperate!
What are they putting under the White House Lawn?
"The project outside the West Wing, said to be renovation of the building’s air-conditioning and electrical systems" I bet...
What our Orgone would like if you could see the energy that emits off of them.
Wilhelm Reich
They killed Wilhelm Reich in prison in 1957 for Re-discovering Ether Orgone Energy. An Ancient energy understood in times past, but buried and forgotten over time. Reich knew what this energy could do, what it was capable of, that it was a living energy that can heal, cleanse, and destroy wicked, negative energy.
He learned how to use this same energy to destroy wicked aliens and their UFOs....
Reich Said : "ORGONE DEADLY "They cannot tolerate Orgone energy AND They FEAR IT." Their tissues and blood can not take it. Sad lonely chapter of human race. Reich -"No one believes me" he said in a video log.
The Bible Codes describe it as causing them the plagues of Erythema and Necrosis. Erythema describes an inflammation of the tissues, causing red patches and a reddening of the skin. Necrosis causes decay...described as death of tissue, mortification, state of death.
Some of his notes have been discovered...read about some of his work with Orgone energy...
"YELLOW Ea (his term for UFO) FADES OUT AFTER 2 minute ORUR draw. It came back faintly twice. Felt like a struggle. Flashing pulsation, wobbling, moving in various directions. It
disappeared after weakening, waning and blinking" p 36
This is what we see daily when UFOs encounter our Orgoned Areas!
Wilhelm Reich - Re-Discovered an ancient energy, an overview of some of his work http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2992100324478968579#
"I had hesitated for weeks to turn my cloudbuster pipes toward a 'star', as if I had known that some of the blinking lights hanging in the sky were not planets or fixed stars but SPACE machines. With the fading out of the 'two' stars, the cloudbuster had suddenly changed into a SPACEGUN" Wilhelm Reich Contact with Space 1956
With his work and being led by the Most High Himself we have perfected the Space Gun into what we call Bucket Blasters, Pipe Blasters and Batons. Our proven Orgone causes UFOs to crash and burns and destroys aliens!! It also purifies the air and cleans your atmosphere of chemtrails.
We can Destroy the NWO!!
Stuff They Don't Want You To Know: Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvSCMoT9vAg
Reich was the author of "Ether, God and Devil" and "Space Contact" along with many other works the government burned and suppressed. He re-discovered both POE (positive orgone energy) and DOE (dead orgone energy) and that's probably what started the government's attack against him...he was getting to close to the DOE agenda and how they are able to fly supernatural UFO crafts. His work talks about Orgone and the effects of it via aliens and crashing UFOs even though his youtube videos don't bring up that aspect. We Need parts 2, 3, 4,...
When Reich developed the Space Gun he was working in alliance with President Eisenhower. But back in Eisenhower's rule as president he became friendly with the very aliens he had aligned against and signed contracts with the aliens and began working with them...and THIS is why they persecuted Reich and destroyed and suppressed his work on Orgone energy.
We need balance...we need both POE and DOE that's the way Yah created this Earth and "they" are trying to subvert this balance by destroying and oppressing one side to dominant the other. That's why in the Bible Codes I will see the term 'balance.' We are putting, among other things, BALANCE back into and around the Earth.
See the Bible Code Sherry Shriner successor to Wilhelm Reich http://www.hiddencodes.com/reich.htm
The Science of Orgone
Some interesting explanations from fellow Orgone Warriors on the Science of Orgone that were posted on the orgone list. Thought I would share:
It seems that some people in the group want to know why orgone works, so I'll do my best to describe it.
First we'll start with the energetic properties of a quartz crystal. A quartz crystal consists of a uniform structure of Silicone Dioxide molecules(SiO2). The pattern these molecules create is always the same throughout the entire crystal. When a crystal is rubbed or squeezed, the pressure is dispersed throughout the entire crystal, which in turn releases a measurable and uniform energy science has termed "piezoelectric energy".
There is a simultaneous drawing in of less-uniform energy from around the crystal as this piezoelectric energy is being released by squeezing the crystal. The piezoelectric energy is uniform like the crystal it was just released from. When crystals are cast in polyester resin, such as in an orgone blaster, they are constantly being squeezed from the pressure of being inside the resin.
This means they are always releasing uniform energy while drawing in less-than-uniform energy from the surrounding environment so that it may be made uniform and released (this is an ongoing cycle). This uniform energy is initially neutral.
The addition of a clockwise copper coil helps to harmonize the neutral energy into a positive wavelength, like setting the frequency. The direction in which the coil is wound plays a large part in how the frequency of the energy is set. The piezoelectric energy is attracted to the metal in the shavings and coil like electricity. The copper and aluminum shavings help the energy move from the crystals to the coil, and the spiraling shape causes the energy to spin to match the coil's shape.
When I pray on how the energy moves, Yah tells me that energy comes in through the bottom of the coil, gets processed by the constantly-squeezed crystals, then leaves out the top of the coil as positive healing energy. All of this is happening simultaneously. The rising of this positive energy is what helps to eat the chemtrails and neutralize "cell phone" tower radiation, and it accumulates over time to combat negative energies. I hope this may help others understand better how orgone works. It truly is a gift and a blessing to work with orgone. I know in my heart that what I am doing makes a difference in fighting evil forces in this world. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving...
And for the physics of Orgone..
Another explanation from a fellow warrior:
...in the quantum make up of the chemicals in the chemtrails, is the ducting material for the energy weapons/matrix, the quantum spins of the binding energies determine how they are pinning (binding to and suppressing) down earths and our "life force" energy or orgone...
the spin direction and polarity of the quantum characteristics of the chemicals determine the way they latch on to earth biologics' binding energies...
nature does show that the life force spins in both directions, however there is an "over abundance of the one direction" and not enough in the clockwise direction to counteract the double spin quantum binding mechanism of the chemicals involved...
this direction (clockwise) of spin helps better to unlock the quantum grip..unlocking the quantum binding allows not only the orgone to flow from the device more readily but also the life force from life around the device will have less binding suppression on their life force spins
......as well as the thought that the fallen freaks my have gained enough knowledge of the counterclockwise direction to have been able to program their genes so that they would not be harmed as much...but Yahweh at the end decided to throw in a different spin...ha...that's a funny..when I heard of the direction difference I went to the mat in prayer and bugged Yahweh for understanding on this...first out of faith, peace and discernment He gave me peace what Sherry was saying was right, even if she could not give all the specifics...that is what walking in faith and trust is...you know in your heart and spirit from years of knowing the voice and character of the Most High, then you do your best to obey and along the way conformation comes. the clockwise spin direction is a major part of unlocking the binding energies of the chemtrails from us and our environment...
in short....without the chemicals present the other energy beams have nothing to lock onto and track or cause cymatic junctures in....hope this helps
My Orgone Blasters are not the same as the typical tower busters you see online. I've discovered that many of them being sold online are being sabotaged for evil purposes!! So through Yahuah we're making our own that:
-Absorbs and ELIMINATES chemtrails
-Neutralize the evilness of the towers!
-Repel evil entities and aliens, keep them out of your yard and home
-Protect your home, yard, then cover your neighborhood, town, or city!! If you don't protect your areas they're going to be stomping grounds for the Anuk and demons! These last days, when the veil is lifted, are not going to be friendly!
-Clean the air and help you breathe better. Orgone can help those with asthma and those with breathing problems.
-Eliminates toxins, poisons and radiation from the air
-Defeats chemtrails and keeps your skies clear
-Improves breathing, helps those with asthma
-Promotes natural health, keeps you from catching every flu virus under the sun
-Knocks out bad thunderstorms before they get to your area, chills out tornados headed your way
-Asphyxiates evil, aliens can't breathe around it and it burns them!
-Keeps demonic entities out of your home and yard.
-Nullifies the effects of the strong subliminal messaging NWO towers erected everywhere
-Stops ELF attacks
-Helps you sleep better
-Stops sleep abductions
-Emits positive energy, evil can't stand being around it!
-A defensive weapon in the last days to combat aliens and the NWO
-Stops headaches and migraines, improves overall health
-Those areas gifted with Orgone suffered the least amount of damage from Hurricanes
Just because someone else calls their product "orgone" doesn't mean it is! Beware of Ebay sellers that claim they sell Orgone! If they add or subtract ingredients to their Orgone, it ISN'T Orgone but something else! And it certainly won't do the same things my Orgone does! In fact their's can harm you! They're part of the problem, not the solution!
Orgone In The Bible Codes
Orgone is an energy. It can be made as a good energy or sabotaged and used as an evil, negative energy. Like everything, Satan always perverts and mimicks what God creates, has, or does.
I see what this positive orgone energy does to Satan and his Annunaki giants all the time in the Bible Codes. In fact I've kept quiet about a lot of it until now. If I reveal to 'you' what it will do and does, then 'they' know because they read everything I write. But if I don't inform Yah's people, they won't get busy and do the exploits that are needed worldwide. We are literally going to fulfill prophecy and that is why I can't keep silent anymore. Time is running out.
Terms I see all the time in the Bible Codes in relation to Orgone and what it does and is going to do to the Anuk/Nephilim fallen angels:
These terms describe Satan and the "aliens' reaction when they arrive here:
These terms describe what it will do and the results of what this orgone causes to and against them:
Terms relating to the faction (Faction 4) of the 144,000:
Orgone is Often referred to as Brown Oval in the codes - such as
Brown circle
Which depicts several of the types we make depending on size. Amazing isn't it? Encoded into the Torah thousands of years before we were even born!
Can you imagine the shock and horror of the Man of Sin to arrive as a "God" or "Messiah" and he's covered in boils? LOL! And the laughter of God's people!! Satan won't be able to heal himself yet he can "heal" others to try and persuade them of who or what he is? The Bible Codes says it's COMICAL and an "Embarrassing Defeat" of Satan's forces who fully intend on arriving as "angelic hosts."
The air will be saturated with orgone and it burns them, it causes them to have boils on their skin, and they can't breathe, the 'contaminated' air asphyxiates them.
It's like a horrible plague that destroys them and causes their deaths.
There are so many "Christians" today who think it's their job to just sit on their butts and do nothing about the NWO but argue and rail against those who are doing something to battle against it for the Most High here on earth. It's not our duty as HIS people to EVER sit on our butts and just wait on Him, HE uses HIS PEOPLE to implement HIS PLANS. Even if it's just one person, or a band of 50, or 500, HE will accomplish His purposes through them.
It's easy to see how one of Satan's coming biggest defeats on earth is handed to him by just a handfull of people who love the Lord in WALK and talk. Why? Because the majority of believers today are sleeping, lazy, fearful, and kidding themselves of who and what they think they are in the Lord. In reality a fragment, a group of people out of the 144,000 who are already awake and know who they are in Him are the first ones to toss the NWO it's first major defeat and victory for Yehovah! Many people today are in denial of who they are. Inwardly they know they were born for a reason to be here in the last days because I hear from MANY of them. They just fight it, and in reality are fighting HIM and losing reward for being cowards and fearmongers and who will lose their position and rewards in Him if they don't get off their butts and start fulfilling His calling He has for them. If you feel led to do something then do it! Your instinct is usually HIM trying to get your attention!
We're at war folks! It's us against them! It's Satan and his various attacks and ways against us and Yah's ways. We can Win! We don't have to sit back and be victims we can stand up in Yah and defeat Satan!
Orgone defeats Zombies as well. I know by now you've heard of the coming Zombie Apocalypse...and guess what? Orgone defeats Zombies to!
Chemtrails, Plagues, Alien assaults on Mankind...they are working in cahoots with our government to destroy and conquer earth....
Learn how to protect yourselves...
The Coming Zombie Apocalypse
TELL ME THIS AINT HAPPENING: U.S. army releases "Counter-Zombie Operations" manual...
The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency - think they're really a 'defunct' agency...?
How To Fight Against zombies? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5jYlvLtgOM
Orgoned air melts zombies and Orgone Water is like Acid to them...
Where To Put Orgone
Put Orgone in every room of your house or apartment. On top of your computer, tv, refrigerator…and especially under your bed, helps you sleep like a baby.
Put it in your yard in bushes, flower beds, on top of your roof, or in your gutters. Get the front and back of your house or apartment building. You want the Orgone to be able to assimilate into the atmosphere above your home.
Gift your neighborhoods, towns and cities with Orgone. Throw it in trees, ditches, bushes, on top of buildings, anywhere it won’t be found by other people.
Once you get your own home and immediate area covered with orgone, drive out about 3-5 miles and get a radius (north, south, east, west) outside of your immediate area.
The more Orgone the better and chemtrails won’t stick in your area.
If you have water sources in your area get Orgone into them…lakes, rivers, ponds.
Yes you can plant/bury orgone. Just deep enough to where a lawn mower won’t destroy it or get a hold of it and it won’t be found.
Yes you can call on the name of Yahushua in time of trouble, after all that's what I was doing...but just as you can annoint your home with holy oil or pray spiritual warfare prayers you can make Orgone and put it around so that you don't have to always be praying or annointing your home, it allows you to relax without having to be at constant war 24/7.
Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Daniel 11:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
Let's get busy folks!
By Sherry Shriner
I get asked all the time, "why should we make Orgone?" and that's the same question I kept asking myself until I realized WHY Yah kept leading me to it, so I could protect myself and others without having to constantly stay alert without ever a break from all my enemies constantly trying to attack and kill me. It was relentless, the daily attacks from Satan, our government, assassins, witches, warlocks, Satanists and all those who love Satan and hated Yah and me. When Yahuah told me years ago "you're my mouthpiece and you will speak to the nations" I never imagined all the attacks and hatred I would receive from so many people, organizations, groups, ministries, and beings. I had constant unwanted attention from those who set out to hate and attack me and the supernatural attacks from aliens and UFOs increased daily as well. It was a zoo.
The Bible warns us that the Last Days would be "as in the days of Noah." In the days of Noah fallen angels (aliens) were running rampant in the land abducting and impregnating human women. Hybrids (giants) were born as a result of the offspring between fallen angels and human women. Hybridization was common not just with aliens/fallen angels and women, but these wicked angels crossbred with animals as well.
In the last days we are seeing a huge rise in UFO/Alien abductions and crossbreeding with animals, hybridization of human offspring being born half human half alien, and even many created and born in labs with a variable mix of DNA.
Today we are also under attack by things the Apostles could have never been able to describe such as satellite weapons, HAARP weather weapons, chemtrails, chip implantation, vaccinations and flu shots that carry cancers and diseases to harm mankind (not help). ELF weapons, RNM weapons, microwave weapons..it never ends.
When I asked the Lord how to stop these tech based weapons from being used against us He led me to Orgone. Orgone is a crystal based defense weapon using piezo electric energy that produces an ancient energy we know as Aether Energy. Aether Energy is a Positive life and healing energy. It is also known in some forms as Chi energy and the Bible Codes describes it as Yah's breath. It is seen as a blue aura around earth.
We have found that with Orgone we can repel negative and evil energies and evil beings. Aliens and demons don't like being around it. Humans who are possessed by aliens and demons don't like being around it either. It burns them, asphyxiates them and some even break out in rashes and boils being around it. It doesn't affect normal humans. For normal humans it's a healing life energy, the same energy that surrounds our planet from which all life thrives and grows in its presence.
Orgone can stop chemtrails, ELF and RNM and microwave weapons, it can end night terrors by keeping aliens and demons out of your house and bedroom at night. It's a constant source of positive energy. You can fight with spiritual warfare prayers but you have to be constantly praying and on alert, and by the time your praying you're already under attack. Same with anointing your home with holy oil. It wears off after a week or two and you have to keep anointing your home. With Orgone it works every second of every day and never wears off. It's a constant emitter of Aether energy, of Yah's breath.
Evil people and beings hate it and are trying to find ways to combat the Orgone energy we produce. Satan is constantly raising up people to hate and try to discredit it, because he wants it banned from the earth. Our Orgone crashes their UFOs, burns aliens, keeps demons away, and has 101 other uses that benefit mankind, Satan wants to destroy, hurt, and kill mankind.
We don't worship Orgone. Orgone is a defense weapon. Yah never sent Israel to war without a plan or a weapon to use whether it be swords or horns (Jericho). His ways are not always mans ways. David killed Goliath with a stone. We're killing the giants in our day with Orgone blasters that look like hockey pucks. It's what He has led us to use to defend ourselves against the ever increasing tech weapons and alien/demonic attacks against us. And their growing visible presence all over the world in our skies.
There's people who call it witchcraft, or claim it's evil, but there's nothing about either of that that pertains to our Orgone. I asked Him for a way to protect ourselves from attacks and this is what He led me to. When you're a threat to Satan you get attacked, and some of us are attacked constantly. The ones complaining about me and our Orgone simply aren't a threat to Satan so don't understand the level of warfare we face daily, or are one of them trying to discredit it so people won't make Orgone because it's destroying THEM and their New World Order.
And many just don't have a clue about what's going on around them. They haven't seen the skies filled with UFOs or even know about the Alien New Age agenda coming full speed at us. And then there's those who think Yah will protect them and sit back on their couches. What I call "the other half." The very ones Yah will allow to be taken to FEMA camps and persecuted because they wouldn't seek Him or listen to the warnings given to them to protect themselves.
I've heard all the hate mongering against me over the years and the various excuses and reasons the 'other half' give against me and the Orgone and I just have to shake my head. There's an obvious point in the sand that divides believers and it's clearly that one half seeks Him and has asked Him about it and is led by Him, and the other half that talks a big talk but doesn't spend five minutes in real conversation with HIM. Which side are you on? Do you listen to HIM or the talkers who can't even walk what they talk? They just assume from all their head knowledge and Bible reading they know something, when they don't. And then there's those who just aren't called to be Orgone Warriors but they respect our work. The biggest problem I see are those who use Scripture to replace Wisdom and a real personal Relationship with Him! Wake up folks
When I was young I always had to deal with night terrors. Many people never grow out of night terrors but find themselves having to deal with the dark side their entire lives, Yah has given us relief against them with not only spiritual warfare prayers but with Orgone as well.
Yah has given us a specific recipe to use in making this POE Positive Orgone Energy. Not everyone who says they make or sell Orgone is making HIS orgone. There are many types of Orgone such as the DOE (Dead Orgone Energy) type that is sold all over Ebay and the Internet. DOE Orgone energy is preferred by Satan because it produces evil energy. Satan isn't trying to stop their Orgone, he's trying to stop OURS because it's from YAH Himself.
If you suspect there are demonic entities in your home, put our Orgone in it. They may react angrily for a day or two because you've put Orgone in it, but they will leave...because they can't stand being around Yah's breath! Put Orgone under your bed and in your room to stop them from coming in at night and notice the sound sleep you get after years of being harassed every night! It makes a HUGE difference! Are your kids complaining of night terrors? Stop laughing at them and put our Orgone in their bedrooms. You can anoint their rooms with holy oil but like I said, it wears off, where Orgone doesn't.
Noticing the ever increase of UFOs in our skies at night? Saturate your yard, neighborhood and towns with it and watch the UFOs begin to flee from your area! If it doesn't cause them to crash first! The media proclaims 'meteors' are crashing from the skies when it's UFOs!! We can destroy these wicked fallen angels we call Aliens! We can defeat them from abducting, kidnapping and harming us humans on earth!
We ARE the Resistance! We don't have to take Satan's constant attacks against us we can fight back in the name of Yahushua and the Orgone He's given us to use!
Orgone is a modern term for an ancient energy we know little about. Rediscovered by Wilhelm Reich who discovered it would crash UFOs and fight against evil beings, Yah led me to it 8 years ago to pick up where Reich left off. No man could touch the Ark of the Covenant without dying, why? Because it produced an energy that would kill them if they disobeyed Yah by touching it and defiling it with human hands. Was this the same energy? I believe so.
The Neutrino Detector
They have been trying to find ways to ban our Orgone but can't find ways to demonize it because there's nothing harmful about it, so they've come up with a machine that somehow can detect Orgone air and transfuse it into Dead Orgone Energy (DOE) so they can stand being in Orgoned areas. Is this the machine? There was only one in the world located in Japan and it's called the Neutrino Detector. Is this what they're putting under the White House lawn? It only has a 5 mile radius and it doesn't work!! IT DOESN'T WORK!!
Am I offended that so many people are standing up to hate and criticize me? No...I'm Vindicated! Our Orgone is destroying the NWO! They're spending $millions trying to find ways to combat it. If it wasn't effective they wouldn't be desperate!
What are they putting under the White House Lawn?
"The project outside the West Wing, said to be renovation of the building’s air-conditioning and electrical systems" I bet...
What our Orgone would like if you could see the energy that emits off of them.
Wilhelm Reich
They killed Wilhelm Reich in prison in 1957 for Re-discovering Ether Orgone Energy. An Ancient energy understood in times past, but buried and forgotten over time. Reich knew what this energy could do, what it was capable of, that it was a living energy that can heal, cleanse, and destroy wicked, negative energy.
He learned how to use this same energy to destroy wicked aliens and their UFOs....
Reich Said : "ORGONE DEADLY "They cannot tolerate Orgone energy AND They FEAR IT." Their tissues and blood can not take it. Sad lonely chapter of human race. Reich -"No one believes me" he said in a video log.
The Bible Codes describe it as causing them the plagues of Erythema and Necrosis. Erythema describes an inflammation of the tissues, causing red patches and a reddening of the skin. Necrosis causes decay...described as death of tissue, mortification, state of death.
Some of his notes have been discovered...read about some of his work with Orgone energy...
"YELLOW Ea (his term for UFO) FADES OUT AFTER 2 minute ORUR draw. It came back faintly twice. Felt like a struggle. Flashing pulsation, wobbling, moving in various directions. It
disappeared after weakening, waning and blinking" p 36
This is what we see daily when UFOs encounter our Orgoned Areas!
Wilhelm Reich - Re-Discovered an ancient energy, an overview of some of his work http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2992100324478968579#
"I had hesitated for weeks to turn my cloudbuster pipes toward a 'star', as if I had known that some of the blinking lights hanging in the sky were not planets or fixed stars but SPACE machines. With the fading out of the 'two' stars, the cloudbuster had suddenly changed into a SPACEGUN" Wilhelm Reich Contact with Space 1956
With his work and being led by the Most High Himself we have perfected the Space Gun into what we call Bucket Blasters, Pipe Blasters and Batons. Our proven Orgone causes UFOs to crash and burns and destroys aliens!! It also purifies the air and cleans your atmosphere of chemtrails.
We can Destroy the NWO!!
Stuff They Don't Want You To Know: Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvSCMoT9vAg
Reich was the author of "Ether, God and Devil" and "Space Contact" along with many other works the government burned and suppressed. He re-discovered both POE (positive orgone energy) and DOE (dead orgone energy) and that's probably what started the government's attack against him...he was getting to close to the DOE agenda and how they are able to fly supernatural UFO crafts. His work talks about Orgone and the effects of it via aliens and crashing UFOs even though his youtube videos don't bring up that aspect. We Need parts 2, 3, 4,...
When Reich developed the Space Gun he was working in alliance with President Eisenhower. But back in Eisenhower's rule as president he became friendly with the very aliens he had aligned against and signed contracts with the aliens and began working with them...and THIS is why they persecuted Reich and destroyed and suppressed his work on Orgone energy.
We need balance...we need both POE and DOE that's the way Yah created this Earth and "they" are trying to subvert this balance by destroying and oppressing one side to dominant the other. That's why in the Bible Codes I will see the term 'balance.' We are putting, among other things, BALANCE back into and around the Earth.
See the Bible Code Sherry Shriner successor to Wilhelm Reich http://www.hiddencodes.com/reich.htm
The Science of Orgone
Some interesting explanations from fellow Orgone Warriors on the Science of Orgone that were posted on the orgone list. Thought I would share:
It seems that some people in the group want to know why orgone works, so I'll do my best to describe it.
First we'll start with the energetic properties of a quartz crystal. A quartz crystal consists of a uniform structure of Silicone Dioxide molecules(SiO2). The pattern these molecules create is always the same throughout the entire crystal. When a crystal is rubbed or squeezed, the pressure is dispersed throughout the entire crystal, which in turn releases a measurable and uniform energy science has termed "piezoelectric energy".
There is a simultaneous drawing in of less-uniform energy from around the crystal as this piezoelectric energy is being released by squeezing the crystal. The piezoelectric energy is uniform like the crystal it was just released from. When crystals are cast in polyester resin, such as in an orgone blaster, they are constantly being squeezed from the pressure of being inside the resin.
This means they are always releasing uniform energy while drawing in less-than-uniform energy from the surrounding environment so that it may be made uniform and released (this is an ongoing cycle). This uniform energy is initially neutral.
The addition of a clockwise copper coil helps to harmonize the neutral energy into a positive wavelength, like setting the frequency. The direction in which the coil is wound plays a large part in how the frequency of the energy is set. The piezoelectric energy is attracted to the metal in the shavings and coil like electricity. The copper and aluminum shavings help the energy move from the crystals to the coil, and the spiraling shape causes the energy to spin to match the coil's shape.
When I pray on how the energy moves, Yah tells me that energy comes in through the bottom of the coil, gets processed by the constantly-squeezed crystals, then leaves out the top of the coil as positive healing energy. All of this is happening simultaneously. The rising of this positive energy is what helps to eat the chemtrails and neutralize "cell phone" tower radiation, and it accumulates over time to combat negative energies. I hope this may help others understand better how orgone works. It truly is a gift and a blessing to work with orgone. I know in my heart that what I am doing makes a difference in fighting evil forces in this world. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving...
And for the physics of Orgone..
Another explanation from a fellow warrior:
...in the quantum make up of the chemicals in the chemtrails, is the ducting material for the energy weapons/matrix, the quantum spins of the binding energies determine how they are pinning (binding to and suppressing) down earths and our "life force" energy or orgone...
the spin direction and polarity of the quantum characteristics of the chemicals determine the way they latch on to earth biologics' binding energies...
nature does show that the life force spins in both directions, however there is an "over abundance of the one direction" and not enough in the clockwise direction to counteract the double spin quantum binding mechanism of the chemicals involved...
this direction (clockwise) of spin helps better to unlock the quantum grip..unlocking the quantum binding allows not only the orgone to flow from the device more readily but also the life force from life around the device will have less binding suppression on their life force spins
......as well as the thought that the fallen freaks my have gained enough knowledge of the counterclockwise direction to have been able to program their genes so that they would not be harmed as much...but Yahweh at the end decided to throw in a different spin...ha...that's a funny..when I heard of the direction difference I went to the mat in prayer and bugged Yahweh for understanding on this...first out of faith, peace and discernment He gave me peace what Sherry was saying was right, even if she could not give all the specifics...that is what walking in faith and trust is...you know in your heart and spirit from years of knowing the voice and character of the Most High, then you do your best to obey and along the way conformation comes. the clockwise spin direction is a major part of unlocking the binding energies of the chemtrails from us and our environment...
in short....without the chemicals present the other energy beams have nothing to lock onto and track or cause cymatic junctures in....hope this helps
My Orgone Blasters are not the same as the typical tower busters you see online. I've discovered that many of them being sold online are being sabotaged for evil purposes!! So through Yahuah we're making our own that:
-Absorbs and ELIMINATES chemtrails
-Neutralize the evilness of the towers!
-Repel evil entities and aliens, keep them out of your yard and home
-Protect your home, yard, then cover your neighborhood, town, or city!! If you don't protect your areas they're going to be stomping grounds for the Anuk and demons! These last days, when the veil is lifted, are not going to be friendly!
-Clean the air and help you breathe better. Orgone can help those with asthma and those with breathing problems.
-Eliminates toxins, poisons and radiation from the air
-Defeats chemtrails and keeps your skies clear
-Improves breathing, helps those with asthma
-Promotes natural health, keeps you from catching every flu virus under the sun
-Knocks out bad thunderstorms before they get to your area, chills out tornados headed your way
-Asphyxiates evil, aliens can't breathe around it and it burns them!
-Keeps demonic entities out of your home and yard.
-Nullifies the effects of the strong subliminal messaging NWO towers erected everywhere
-Stops ELF attacks
-Helps you sleep better
-Stops sleep abductions
-Emits positive energy, evil can't stand being around it!
-A defensive weapon in the last days to combat aliens and the NWO
-Stops headaches and migraines, improves overall health
-Those areas gifted with Orgone suffered the least amount of damage from Hurricanes
Just because someone else calls their product "orgone" doesn't mean it is! Beware of Ebay sellers that claim they sell Orgone! If they add or subtract ingredients to their Orgone, it ISN'T Orgone but something else! And it certainly won't do the same things my Orgone does! In fact their's can harm you! They're part of the problem, not the solution!
Orgone In The Bible Codes
Orgone is an energy. It can be made as a good energy or sabotaged and used as an evil, negative energy. Like everything, Satan always perverts and mimicks what God creates, has, or does.
I see what this positive orgone energy does to Satan and his Annunaki giants all the time in the Bible Codes. In fact I've kept quiet about a lot of it until now. If I reveal to 'you' what it will do and does, then 'they' know because they read everything I write. But if I don't inform Yah's people, they won't get busy and do the exploits that are needed worldwide. We are literally going to fulfill prophecy and that is why I can't keep silent anymore. Time is running out.
Terms I see all the time in the Bible Codes in relation to Orgone and what it does and is going to do to the Anuk/Nephilim fallen angels:
These terms describe Satan and the "aliens' reaction when they arrive here:
These terms describe what it will do and the results of what this orgone causes to and against them:
Terms relating to the faction (Faction 4) of the 144,000:
Orgone is Often referred to as Brown Oval in the codes - such as
Brown circle
Which depicts several of the types we make depending on size. Amazing isn't it? Encoded into the Torah thousands of years before we were even born!
Can you imagine the shock and horror of the Man of Sin to arrive as a "God" or "Messiah" and he's covered in boils? LOL! And the laughter of God's people!! Satan won't be able to heal himself yet he can "heal" others to try and persuade them of who or what he is? The Bible Codes says it's COMICAL and an "Embarrassing Defeat" of Satan's forces who fully intend on arriving as "angelic hosts."
The air will be saturated with orgone and it burns them, it causes them to have boils on their skin, and they can't breathe, the 'contaminated' air asphyxiates them.
It's like a horrible plague that destroys them and causes their deaths.
There are so many "Christians" today who think it's their job to just sit on their butts and do nothing about the NWO but argue and rail against those who are doing something to battle against it for the Most High here on earth. It's not our duty as HIS people to EVER sit on our butts and just wait on Him, HE uses HIS PEOPLE to implement HIS PLANS. Even if it's just one person, or a band of 50, or 500, HE will accomplish His purposes through them.
It's easy to see how one of Satan's coming biggest defeats on earth is handed to him by just a handfull of people who love the Lord in WALK and talk. Why? Because the majority of believers today are sleeping, lazy, fearful, and kidding themselves of who and what they think they are in the Lord. In reality a fragment, a group of people out of the 144,000 who are already awake and know who they are in Him are the first ones to toss the NWO it's first major defeat and victory for Yehovah! Many people today are in denial of who they are. Inwardly they know they were born for a reason to be here in the last days because I hear from MANY of them. They just fight it, and in reality are fighting HIM and losing reward for being cowards and fearmongers and who will lose their position and rewards in Him if they don't get off their butts and start fulfilling His calling He has for them. If you feel led to do something then do it! Your instinct is usually HIM trying to get your attention!
We're at war folks! It's us against them! It's Satan and his various attacks and ways against us and Yah's ways. We can Win! We don't have to sit back and be victims we can stand up in Yah and defeat Satan!
Orgone defeats Zombies as well. I know by now you've heard of the coming Zombie Apocalypse...and guess what? Orgone defeats Zombies to!
Chemtrails, Plagues, Alien assaults on Mankind...they are working in cahoots with our government to destroy and conquer earth....
Learn how to protect yourselves...
The Coming Zombie Apocalypse
TELL ME THIS AINT HAPPENING: U.S. army releases "Counter-Zombie Operations" manual...
The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency - think they're really a 'defunct' agency...?
How To Fight Against zombies? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5jYlvLtgOM
Orgoned air melts zombies and Orgone Water is like Acid to them...
Where To Put Orgone
Put Orgone in every room of your house or apartment. On top of your computer, tv, refrigerator…and especially under your bed, helps you sleep like a baby.
Put it in your yard in bushes, flower beds, on top of your roof, or in your gutters. Get the front and back of your house or apartment building. You want the Orgone to be able to assimilate into the atmosphere above your home.
Gift your neighborhoods, towns and cities with Orgone. Throw it in trees, ditches, bushes, on top of buildings, anywhere it won’t be found by other people.
Once you get your own home and immediate area covered with orgone, drive out about 3-5 miles and get a radius (north, south, east, west) outside of your immediate area.
The more Orgone the better and chemtrails won’t stick in your area.
If you have water sources in your area get Orgone into them…lakes, rivers, ponds.
Yes you can plant/bury orgone. Just deep enough to where a lawn mower won’t destroy it or get a hold of it and it won’t be found.
Yes you can call on the name of Yahushua in time of trouble, after all that's what I was doing...but just as you can annoint your home with holy oil or pray spiritual warfare prayers you can make Orgone and put it around so that you don't have to always be praying or annointing your home, it allows you to relax without having to be at constant war 24/7.
Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Daniel 11:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
Let's get busy folks!